About Last Night: High school romance dilemma

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This was published 8 years ago

About Last Night: High school romance dilemma

I've just met an awesome girl, but I don't want to cheat on Em.

By Maureen Matthews

Q Em and I have been together since Year 9, but we've taken a break till after the Year 12 exams. I've met an awesome girl, Kat, where I work on weekends, and she's invited me to her birthday party. I want to go, but don't want to cheat on Em. Kat and I have applied for uni in Melbourne, but Em's getting a job in the local pharmacy. I don't think we will stay together, but I feel guilty about disrupting her studies by breaking up before the exams. What should I do?

A Leaving school is a time of major change. As you move into adulthood, you are about to make a number of fresh starts, and it sounds like one of these is going to be moving on from your high school romance.

"Leaving school is a time of major change."

"Leaving school is a time of major change."Credit: Helen Nezdropa HMN

You have shown yourself to be responsible and sensible by choosing to focus on your studies for a few weeks, and you would be wise to stick to that decision by choosing not to embark on a new relationship until school's out. After all, a new romance would probably be far more distracting and absorbing than seeing Em from time to time. However, there is nothing wrong with enjoying Kat's company at work, and slowly getting to know each other.

You also show yourself to be decent and thoughtful by wanting to be honest with Em, and by trying to avoid doing anything to distract her from her studies. If you are already taking a break, there seems to be no point in even mentioning Kat right now.

The concept of cheating is over-used. It is something that is best applied only to committed, monogamous relationships, but is too strong for young people who are dating. It is normal to experience many relationships before you find a person to whom you want to commit.

Many people stay longer than they should in relationships that have no future because they are frightened of losing a comfortable habit, or because they feel guilty, and do not want to be judged harshly by others. Ultimately, nobody benefits from the delay. Once the exams are over, make a definite split. You may not be able to stay friends in the short-term, but it is kinder than dragging things out.

It is also very common that one relationship ends because someone meets someone new to whom he or she is attracted. This is not cheating, but it is kinder to tell the current partner if you start to be physically intimate with another. Keeping secrets leads to more hurt.

Going to a workmate's party is not cheating, especially if other work colleagues are also attending. Even if you are going alone, there is nothing wrong with developing your friendship. I cannot see why you should even mention it to Em, if you only plan to socialise.

It might be tempting to get closer to Kat at her party, and if you feel that she is expecting you to make a move, or to take things to the next level, talk to her. Explain to her that you find her very attractive, and hope that you can get closer, but that you are not comfortable doing this behind Em's back. Explain that you want to focus on study right now, and that you and Em have put things on hold. You would prefer to make the break from Em before moving on with anyone else, but you do not want to have emotional turmoil while you are both studying.


By being upfront with Kat you will avoid any misunderstandings. You will also prove yourself to be honourable, considerate and trustworthy; qualities that are very desirable in a prospective partner.

The final exams are not far away. Put the majority of your thought and energy into doing the best you can in order to ensure yourself that place at university that you want to obtain. You will then have all the time in the world to focus on your love life.

Email your questions to abtlastnight@gmail.com

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