Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Since early 2006, Amazon Web Services has provided companies of all sizes with an infrastructure platform in the cloud. Using AWS, companies can requisition compute power, storage, and other services – gaining access to a global computing infrastructure that is the backbone of’s multi-billion dollar retail business. The team at AWS is committed to providing developers and their companies with tools and services to be successful.

We are hiring marketing and PR experts across the globe who have experience in technology marketing and have a passion for helping build new businesses. In a role on the marketing team, you will be responsible for end-to-end marketing strategies and execution. You will also work closely with a variety of stakeholders and internal customers across the company to accomplish marketing objectives. We are looking for experts in web marketing, online advertising, events, design and web development, technical evangelism, partner marketing, and more.

View and apply to Marketing and PR roles worldwide

Join a high growth area of our business as a Solutions Architect (SA). You will work with customers, partners, and several AWS teams to craft highly scalable, flexible and resilient cloud architectures that address customer business needs and accelerate the adoption of AWS services. As a trusted advocate, the Solutions Architect helps organizations understand best practices around advanced cloud-based solutions, and how to migrate existing workloads to the cloud. The Solutions Architect will have the opportunity to help shape and execute a strategy to build mindshare and broad use of AWS within a wide range of customers and partners.

View open Solutions Architect positions worldwide!

Work with global Fortune 500 enterprise customers and their IT providers on some of the most innovative IT projects in the world. Use your leadership and technical experience to guide enterprise customers as they incorporate AWS public cloud services into their overall architecture. Engagements include IT transformation planning, portfolio assessments, new workload deployments, legacy migrations, security/compliance playbooks, infrastructure engineering, big data analytics, application modernization, TCO/ROI economic analyses, and operational integration. AWS Professional Services provides customers with AWS specialists that deliver visibility to best practices, access to internal resources, expertise on the very latest AWS web services, and accountability for the AWS platform. In this role, you’ll also work closely with the product/service teams to help them evolve the products/services and address enterprise customer needs. Watch this to learn even more about the team. Travel expectations for the roles are very reasonable, just ask us!

View open Professional Services roles around the world!


We are hiring professional engineers (PEs) and project engineers that will be responsible for the design, construction, operation and management of Amazon’s data center infrastructure around the globe. We are also looking for candidates with strong procurement backgrounds. Successful candidates will have experience working in mission critical facilities and have a technology background that enables them to understand the complexities of the sophisticated design and architecture of Amazon data centers. We are looking for technical experts in electrical & mechanical engineering, network design, copper & fiber cabling, drafting, building controls, construction management and architecture with LEED certifications.

View open Ops and Data Center roles worldwide!

Systems Engineers come in a variety of flavors at Amazon Web Services (AWS). We have folks who are highly skilled in any of Linux/Unix internals, systems performance, networking, storage, and building rock solid foundational services at AWS. The majority of our Systems Engineers write code and practice automation, and at our scale, we can't afford to do anything less. We are looking for seasoned technical leaders; you’re perfect if you possess a rare mix of depth in functions which involve Dev Ops, Systems Engineering, troubleshooting, and customer obsession. It's difficult to find all these characteristics simultaneously but if you have them all, you’re highly valued and a rare breed! You will work directly with customers on mission-critical infrastructures, tools, and processes to understand use cases, implement features and debug interesting problems that enable engineers around the world to iterate at a crazy quick pace. You'll investigate and create new systems for scaling development and production.

As a Security Engineer at AWS, you'll be a key member of the engineering staff working across all of our internal and external facing services to ensure that we maintain the highest standards of protection for our customers. Some days you'll be helping to design proper security best practices, other days you'll be contributing to specific implementations. Our team thrives and succeeds in delivering high quality technology products and services in a hyper-growth environment where priorities shift quickly. The ideal candidate has broad and deep technical knowledge, typically ranging from front-end UIs through back-end systems and all points in between.

Our Quality Assurance Engineers are responsible for injecting quality into our development cycles by evaluating testability of designs and building tools, systems and processes to raise the quality bar. As part of this fast paced team, you will be responsible for the quality of software components up and down the stack. You'll perform black box and white box testing, and work closely with the development team and business partners to assure test coverage.

View open Systems, Quality, and Security Engineering roles worldwide!

We are hiring user experience professionals around the world who have experience in designing for complex, distributed systems and have a passion for creating new technology. On the user experience team you will be responsible for the UX from strategy to execution for our cloud-based services. You will work collaboratively with engineers, product managers, executives, and other designers, leading UX design throughout the strategy, design, and development lifecycle. Our team of UX designers is comprised of those with experience in interaction design, information architecture, content strategy, user interface design, user research, usability testing, and/or web development.

View open UX Designer roles in North America

We are hiring Sales Representatives and Account Managers all over the world for a variety of roles: SMB Sales, Enterprise Sales, or Account Managers. In these roles, you will help drive AWS adoption and shape the future of an industry leader in Cloud Computing. Your responsibilities will include driving revenue, adoption, and market penetration for your market segment. The ideal candidate will possess both a sales and technical background that enables them to drive an engagement at the CXO level as well as with software developers and IT architects. Watch this video to find out more about our exciting team. We have positions open in US, Europe, South America, Japan, Singapore, and Australia.

View and apply to Sales and Account Management roles worldwide 

We are seeking brilliant, passionate, and enthusiastic software developers and development managers to join the software teams at AWS. Whether you want to work on some of the world's largest distributed systems, scale a highly durable storage system well beyond two trillion objects, make database history with DynamoDB, streamline content delivery to end-users globally, build an awesome browser, or just code to solve some of the hardest software problems, you will love working at AWS. Come join our startup culture and participate first hand in designing the next generation of computing.

View and apply to AWS Software Development roles worldwide

For more information about Management positions, please email


Join one of our product teams as a Product Manager (PM) or Technical Program Manager (TPM). In these highly-visible roles, you will shape the product strategy and feature roadmap of our Cloud Computing platform. You will have experience delivering technology products/services in a high growth environment where priorities shift fast. You will work to understand our customers’ needs and build strategies and solutions to solve their biggest IT problems. You will be expected to build strategic plans to reach aggressive goals, present your ideas to key executives, and manage priorities and trade-offs in a fast moving business.

View open Technical Product and Program Manager positions worldwide!

AWS Support is situated in key locations around the globe and is the world’s most customer-centric support organization. Join our team and you will be surrounded by people that are wickedly smart, passionate about cloud computing and believe that world class support is critical to customer success. AWS Support provides world-class technical support to a global list of customers that are building mission-critical applications using AWS.

View and apply to Support Engineering roles worldwide!

The AWS Training and Certification organization educates customers, partners, and AWS Employees globally on AWS products, solutions, and best practices. Our programs are designed around the primary roles within the IT market that are working with AWS technology, including Solutions Architects, SysOps Administrators, and Developers. We are hiring Training and Certification experts across the globe in curriculum development, content management, certification, and training delivery. Join a growing team and help define, develop, and proliferate training and enablement to help customers and partners achieve success with AWS.

View open Training & Certification roles worldwide!

AWS Documentation creates best-in-class technical documentation for AWS products and services. We are looking for experienced technical writers, programmer writers, and editors to help deliver technically accurate,well-written, simple, and customer-focused documentation. AWS documentation is critical to our customers’ success because it enables them to quickly get started developing, deploying, and managing applications in the AWS cloud.

View open Documentation roles in North America

Join a high growth area of our business as a Business Development Manager (BDM). In this role, you will have the exciting opportunity to help shape and deliver on a strategy to build mind share and broad use of Amazon’s cloud computing platform within the enterprise, SMB, and startup communities. Your responsibilities will include helping to define key market segments to target, driving the necessary business and technical relationships with customers and partners to establish new business in those markets, and enabling the sales team drive the day-to-day interactions with prospects in order to build long-term business opportunity. You’ll also work closely with the product/service teams to help them evolve the products/services and address issues, concerns, and requests from the field.

AWS Partners & Alliances are a fast-growing and strategic part of our business. They include Technology Partners (software, OS, database, security and management tool providers) and Consulting Partners (integrators, professional services firms, resellers and digital agencies) that are building and going to market with solutions and services practices on AWS. These highly visible roles are instrumental in developing our global partner programs and working closely with our partners to help them build and grow their businesses on AWS. We are seeking strong candidates with experience in partner programs, partner management, and/or global alliances.

View open Business Development and Partner roles worldwide!

On a daily basis, I work with customers across all verticals and all reaches of the globe. I may start my morning talking to financial customers in Singapore and may end it by presenting to government officials in Washington, D.C.
Kristen Customer Outreach Manager

AWS Security Assurance enables customers to operate critical IT workloads in the cloud. We build and operate both internal and external programs. This includes compliance analysis, innovative process automation, and engagement with our most progressive customers.

We have a wide array of roles available in the following areas:

  • Software Development
  • Strategic Expansion
  • Program Management

We are hiring all across the globe, from Seattle to Singapore. Browse through our open positions and find the location that suits you best. 

Learn more about AWS Security and Compliance »