

Nothing says leadership like a desperate, cynical smokescreen

The Coalition finally show they can agree on something: the need to unnecessarily torment people for no sane reason.

When you're attempting to manage a large, diverse group of people that are fighting among themselves, you sometimes need to remind them of the things they have in common. 

It's a classic management tool, whether it's uniting the team with a day of paintball, or treating them to some gourmet coffee, or agreeing to punish asylum seekers for daring to ask for help.

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Bill Shorten's asylum dilemma

Will the Labor leader support banning for life visits from refugees who have attempted to reach Australia? Analysis with Mark Kenny.

And that's one of the reasons why Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton announced a dumb new idea for legislation that will "permanently ban asylum seekers who attempt to reach Australia by boat from ever entering the country, even if they are genuine refugees and seek to come as tourists or on business decades later." 

And sure, it's just unnecessary cruelty for the fun of it – how many people do you reckon would be keen to holiday in the country that ignored their human rights and locked them up indefinitely without charge? – and you could correctly argue that if the boats had indeed stopped and the government's strategies of the last few years had been successful there would be absolutely no need to such punitive measures to be introduced at this point. 

"We must do more to discourage future tourism, because… um, saving lives at sea."
"We must do more to discourage future tourism, because… um, saving lives at sea." Photo: Michele Mossop

But that's because this stupid new proposal isn't about fighting the supposed scourge of people smugglers, or saving lives at sea, or whatever other smokescreen the government throws up. It's about providing some much-needed distraction. 

It's a strategy with a noble pedigree too. When Labor were fracturing under PM Paul Keating in the mid '90s he would neatly sidestep criticism by suggesting that the Australian flag be redesigned without the Union Jack - a perfect way to ensure commentators were distracted by furious arguments over national identity rather than, say, whether the government was messing stuff up. 


This divided and shellshocked current government agrees about barely anything at the moment, but one thing upon which they are united is that offshore detention is a cornerstone policy that must be preserved – despite the fact that the Manus Island camp is about to be closed by the Papua New Guinea while the Nauru one will be looking for new management inside of a year.

Labor, conversely, have remained remarkably focussed as opposition for the last year or so, with one exception: offshore detention, which a growing number of MPs and senators think looks awfully like a hideous human rights nightmare despite the party having enthusiastically supported it when last in power.

So if you're going to find something that the Coalition can agree upon and the opposition will bicker about, whether or not asylum seekers deserve more torment is an easy win. And they need one, because you may have noticed that the last few weeks have been especially lousy for the government, which had hardly been hitting it out of the park beforehand.

The Prime Minister's polls are terrible, his frontbench has been making goof after humiliating goof, and the previous PM has stopped even pretending he's not just trying to burn the place down

So if you're the government, talking about refugees provides an exciting distraction from – just for example – whether the Attorney-General misled parliament in the power grab that led the Solicitor-General to resign, or the Treasurer's failing bully-the-states strategy for housing affordability.

Or Human Services minister Christian Porter pretending that Australia has an epidemic of single parent welfare sponges living it up on the public purse (supporting four children, going by his own figures, and doing so in a house that's only costing them $400 a week which seems… let's go with "unlikely in the current climate"), or whether the Deputy PM is just sacking public officials who disagree with him.

Or why the the chairman of the Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council wanted know which "dickhead" suggested setting up yet another inquiry into Aboriginal incarceration rather than act on the recommendations already made by previous ones, or why the government are pretending there's no "Abbott-Turnbull war" despite using the term in their own internal briefing document

And it softens the ground for when Parliament returns and does a bunch of embarrassing stuff like kill the same sex marriage plebiscite, censure George Brandis' attempt to stifle advice from the Solicitor General, postpone any changes to the government's paid parental leave scheme, gut the planned company tax cuts that were the government's election campaign centrepiece, and continue to call for the government's inquiry into housing affordability be re-started and made public.  

Given all the embarrassing stuff in the recent past, and the humiliations looming when parliament resumes, this looks less like a brave and necessary piece of policy than a captain frantically yelling "Hey, passengers! Check out that guy's stupid shirt!" to distract them from the water pouring into the hull of the ship from numerous gaping holes.   

But on the bright side, this is finally some of that "leadership" stuff that everyone's been telling Turnbull to show. So… um, hooray?

Andrew P Street's new book The Curious Story of Malcolm Turnbull: the Incredible Shrinking Man in the Top Hat is out now through Allen & Unwin
