

President Trump could really be coming. Don't panic

I am sitting in a cheap motel room in North Carolina, the kind of place where drug deals go horribly wrong, and a boasting, brash voice comes over the radio. Donald Trump. It is still hard to believe that the Republicans ever nominated him - a man who Barack Obama called "ill-equipped to be president ... temperamentally unsuited ... crazy". It is even harder to believe that Trump could actually win the White House. But a week on the campaign trail has convinced me that he can. And that the world shouldn't panic unduly.

This election has been intensely personal for me. I'm a historian of the United States, specialising in politics, and have argued for years that Britons are wrong to characterise American statesmen as vulgar charlatans. So imagine my disappointment when the Republicans nominated the most vulgar charlatan they could find.

Would he really be so bad?
Would he really be so bad? Photo: AP

For a long time, I and many other so-called experts wrote off the billionaire's candidacy as a marketing gimmick that wouldn't last much longer. We were wrong. He proved cleverer than us.

Trump, like all Republican candidates since the Sixties, is comfortably ahead among whites and has a double-digit advantage among men. The problem for him is that women tend to vote more than men: in 2012, they were 52 per cent of the electorate.

Then there's the electoral vote problem. It's possible to win the popular vote, but not win enough individual states to take the White House. There is no state that he can afford to lose: he has to win a couple of states that usually vote Democrat. Acknowledging this, he has poured resources into Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

Certain factors, however, make the slimmest of possibilities hard to dismiss. One is the state of the country. The sleeper issue in the US is Obamacare, the president's signature healthcare reform.


On Tuesday, many consumers going online to renew their health insurance found that the monthly costs of premiums affected by Obamacare had suddenly jumped by an average of 25 per cent. People can get help through tax subsidies and deductibles, but it still came as a huge shock. In Arizona, the cost of premiums jumped 100 per cent.

In Alaska, they now go for as much as $760 a month. Obama promised more choice and affordability. Many feel they've been betrayed - and voters keep bringing this up in my conversations with them.

Distrust of Clinton is also a factor. One poll said that voters actually trust her less than Trump, thanks to two decades of scandals and the FBI's investigation into freshly found emails related to her use of a private server when she was secretary of state.

It's not that she has no fans: Democrat rallies are enthusiastic and large, usually bolstered by celebrities such as James Taylor and Katy Perry. But Trump is counting on a revolution that's hidden in the polls. Brexit is mentioned a lot at his rallies. It's a powerful example of the pollsters getting it wrong - and while there are huge differences between Brexit and Trump, it's hard to deny that they are part of a global picture. The world is shifting away from social and economic liberalism. Trump is a repudiation of the consensus that Tony Blair and Bill Clinton established in the Nineties.

So, if he did win, would his administration truly be as radical or disastrous as his critics fear? It depends on your point of view. His business career has been full of risks and failure. But also single-mindedness, achievement and an emphasis upon hiring talent. Talented people who suck up to him, of course. Expect a presidential cabinet that is heavy on rich, powerful men who bet early on Trump's rise and praise him mightily. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. African-American surgeon Dr Ben Carson. Senator Jeff Sessions.

New Jersey's governor, Chris Christie, will be critically important - perhaps in finance or foreign affairs. It's rumoured that Trump wanted him for his vice president - but that Trump's children vetoed it because they, sensibly, calculated that Christie would bring the ticket no extra votes. We can expect the Trump clan to exert a largely benign influence. Wife Melania will be a traditional First Lady, focusing on charity work. Daughter Ivanka and her businessman husband Jared Kuschner will continue to operate a kind of royal court. Their decisions have been smart and, crucially, moderating. Ivanka wants her father to talk about women's issues such as equal pay and child care.

Trump will find that it's harder to get things done in Washington than on Wall Street.

The republic is bigger than its politicians. If Trump did ever try to do the more radical things that he's threatened - in the authoritarian manner he exudes - then he would be opposed by Congress, the Supreme Court and the Constitution. Look at what happened to Nixon during Watergate or Reagan during the Iran-Contra scandal. Whenever the executive overplays its hand, the legislative branch reasserts authority. Gridlock in Washington is annoying but, sometimes, necessary.

Which begs the question, why are Democrats so apocalyptic in tone? The answer is that Trump's victory would represent a rejection of their worldview. Obama often talks about the "arc of history", which he thinks bends towards liberal progress. But Trump's support exposes the fact that millions of Americans believe their best days are actually behind them, and they want to turn the clock back. Back to an age when a job was for life, America was respected, men were men, cops ruled the streets and the politicians talked a language the people could understand.

Telegraph, London
