
Column 8

To Coogee ladies' baths where on Monday there was a fox alert. "I'm not talking bikini-clad version but bushy-tailed, Basil Brush variety," says our poolside source. "Patrons were asked to guard possessions as said fox had been rummaging through ladies' bags looking for food and chewing shoes."  Previous sightings on the beach have also been reported.

Michael Fox of Gerringong writes: "Our local area health service recently advertised for a Violence, Abuse and Neglect Clinician. I suppose it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad." 

Demise of the egg slicer (C8) struck a chord. "I use them often ... and collect them," writes Trish McPherson of Braidwood. "Maybe that is why they are hard to find."

"I have one of those egg slicers you seek, Russell Hill. You're welcome to pick it up. I never use it  find a knife works just as well," Meredith Williams of Dee Why.

Vanessa Winship of Eastwood, says: "Target and Coles advertise them and eBay for the amazing price of $1.95. As I used mine for lunch today it prompted me to write. It wouldn't cost much for postage so he could buy one easily online."

"Russell Hill, egg slicers became a thing of the past after Humpty had a fall and could no longer pick up a golf club," from our George Manojlovic of Mangerton.


"Good to see Column 8 reduce fixation on the pedantry of English grammar and tackle something dear to my heart – kitchen gadgets, writesGraham Mostyn. Browsing in Woolies for something to add to my collection, I spotted an egg slicer for $3. Cuts boiled eggs vertically and horizontally. Perfect."

We were delighted by the reference to 'a calamity of mistakes' heard on ABC TV last week. What a wonderfully appropriate collective noun, says Mark Baldwin, Terrigal.

"I would like to claim the first sighting of flowering jacarandas in Coulson Street, Erskineville. For some reason they always seem to be the first ones that flower each year," Victor Marshall of Erskineville.

According to the International Earth Rotation Service, the next leap second will be inserted on 31.12. 2016, at 23:59:60 UTC. Gird thy loins, for the end of the world is nigh, Dave Horsfall of North Gosford. 

"Ten items in today's Column 8! Reach for the record books," writes Owen Lloyd of Avoca, Qld. (C8: 11 today).

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