
Column 8

"During my annual health check, I learned that my height had decreased by two centimetres to 171 centimetres," writes Peter McCormack, of Paddington. "Does that mean by the end of my next 84 years I'll be three centimetres tall?"

"My eyesight is obviously not what it used to be. This week watching TV news I thought the words on Donald Trump's cap were: 'Make America Grope Again'." From John de Bres, of Rose Bay.

"A friend was proudly showing off his new mobile phone, with large numbers and letters for easy use," says Joan Brown, of Orange. 'I'm trying to work out how to set this part,' he said while getting out the instruction sheet. We both laughed as he opened it to reveal the tiniest print imaginable."

"It's awful, growing old. When did 'bored with' become 'bored of'? And why do people 'pass' now instead of die?" wonders  Annie Bradley, of Balgowlah Heights.

"Richard Stewart's contribution (C8, summer) was very good but missed the annual Christmas prawn shortage (and subsequent price rise) owing to too much/too little rainfall in the estuaries," observes Graeme Judd, of East Gosford.

"Are egg slicers a thing of the past? I have been to six different retailers in Hobart and the only store that stock them are asking over $20 for a designer model. Are there any people who still use them? How do people have their eggs in a sandwich?" Asks Russell Hill.


"My neighbour's son is right now burning his HSC English notes. Is this a boy thing? I reminded him of the need to be articulate and well-spoken." 'Gilda', of Rose Bay.

Column 8 has been great in the past helping to track down icons that have disappeared, says Matt Petersen, of Randwick. "The beautiful cascade of bougainvillea that flowed from The Australian Golf Club onto Southern Cross Drive at Rosebery is no longer. All that remains now is an ugly, bare, concrete wall." What's the story, AGC? 

​"Kevin Harris (C8) driverless cars have left and right-hand side mounted mirrors for the same reason they have steering wheels, in case a human needs to take over if the car's computer breaks down," says Manbir Singh Kohli, of Pemulwuy.

​"The side mirrors on driverless cars are there so passengers can have a reflective look back at what has passed," suggests Joy Cooksey, of Harrington.

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