Federal Politics


Refugee ban: a deliberate nightmare for Labor but risky too for tough-guy Malcolm Turnbull

Australia's steely asylum seeker laws, both envied and reviled around the world, are to be toughened further with a newly discovered rare metal: Turnbull tungsten.

Once the darling of the Q&A; set in the pro-refugee inner-cities, Malcolm Turnbull has emerged as a surprising tough-guy - as hard as Tony Abbott on boats, and working to look even harder, via a lifetime ban against asylum seeker entry to Australia - for any purpose.

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The government believes detainee supporters are goading them to hang out for a policy softening. Turnbull's answer is a statement of intent from Canberra - the blunt reality that no softening will come.

This presents a critical challenge for Bill Shorten, who, to the Coalition's deep frustration, has been sailing along with the government in the same boat on boats.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the surprise plan on Sunday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the surprise plan on Sunday. Photo: Louise Kennerley

Shorten's policy parallelism will now be tested: endorse a "ridiculous" policy which Labor will find unconscionable, or block it, and hand his opponent the megaphone it craves to say only the Coalition will keep the boats stopped and (subtext) the country safe.

Either way, the claim will be that Labor is half-hearted on border protection and that people smugglers will inevitably read this equivocation as the green light to start their trade again. Peter Dutton was fast out of the blocks on this score.


Absent an as yet undisclosed deal with a third country for resettlement, Turnbull probably figures his government can only win from looking tough and can only benefit further from Labor's bind.

Coalitionists complain that they are the victims of their own success. That as the boats have been successfully stopped, kudos to the conservatives has dried up also. Anxiety has drifted from the public mind, despite its best efforts to keep it alive.

Combined with Labor's me-tooism, the effect is that the political dividend for successful policy is zero.

There's the political wedge. By making it nigh-on impossible for Labor to universally embrace the government, Dutton and Turnbull get to reclaim the market differentiation on borders they had lost.

But there will be costs for Turnbull. Who will take refugees from Australia on such idiosyncratic terms? John Key has already queried whether it could lead to an untenable situation of two-tiered citizenship in his country. No self-respecting country can allow that. Imagine the US or Canada agreeing to restrictive terms which could see people who subsequently become full citizens of their countries, denied basic rights of travel just because they were once guilty of fleeing with their lives.

Not for the first time, refugees are cast as the sand in the political gears.



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