Why the Reserve Bank presently thinks interest rates are going no lower

Forecasting is a mug's game, as the Reserve Bank readily admits by painting wide intervals of certainty (or uncertainty) around the predictions in its statement on monetary policy each quarter. Crystal ball gazing is a tough job, but the central bank still has to do it.

With that caveat, the following three graphs tell the story of the RBA's core economic outlook for the next two years and why it presently thinks interest rates are going no lower – barring international shocks ranging from a lunatic in the White House unleashing a trade war to China suffering a hard landing. 

The RBA's central forecast is that our economic growth will be pretty much more of the same over the next two years with real GDP increasing by about 3 per cent. That's not as flash as we might like, but it's nonetheless not too shabby at all. Given that "trend" growth has been officially downgraded to about 2.75 per cent, we would be outperforming to manage 3. Just about every other developed economy on the planet would be jealous. 

Most importantly, that growth of around 3 per cent should be enough to keep eroding the unemployment rate. 

Again, it's not falling as quickly as we'd like and there are questions about the quality of that fall – the amount of underemployment with the casualisation of the workforce and more new part-time jobs rather than full-time jobs. But in a world awash with excess labour, we'll take it and be glad. Falling unemployment and more jobs still means more pay packets that can keep household consumption rising, along with a reduction in our savings ratio. 


The fall in the unemployment rate, maybe a softer Australian dollar if/when the Americans lift their interest rates and some firmer commodity prices are supposed to help slowly lift our core inflation rate off what the RBA thinks is the low point we'll hit this quarter. Yes, we can go lower than the 1.54 per cent for the year to September 30. 

As the blue bands of forecast accuracy "interval" show, on the RBA's forecasting performance over the past 23 years, it's only a 50 per cent chance that core inflation will crawl back into the bottom of the RBA's target zone in two years' time. We'll take the journey one quarter at a time. And there's a good chance the RBA's forecasting has improved. 

In any event, it boils down to the bank not wanting to cut interest rates any more and, on the strength of those three core forecasts, not needing to. This, hopefully, is the bottom of the interest rate cycle. As for needing to lift rates, there is nothing in the core forecasts that suggests the economy will be growing that strongly over the forecast period. 

The RBA's economic outlook chapter covers the various assumptions and risks – there are plenty, as usual – but the core remains that this is what it is, more of the same. We hope. 



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