The Gen Y housing crisis: it’s not just us Boomers

The east coast housing boom is feeding on itself – an expectation of higher prices because prices are higher. NAB's latest quarterly residential property survey records a sharp jump in Sydney and Melbourne housing sentiment "supported by renewed momentum in house prices". 

The NAB survey of 240 property professionals resulted in its NSW residential property index soaring from 23 points in the June quarter to 53 for the September quarter. Victoria's index jumped from 23 to 40. 

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Don't just blame Boomers for housing

Gen X should take their share of blame for hoovering up all the affordable housing. Michael Pascoe comments.

The national index was more subdued with a rise from 3 to 15 thanks to WA remaining flat at -67, SA/NT sliding from -6 to -20 and Queensland firming from 6 to 9. It's the two most populous states – the two enjoying the most substantial infrastructure investment – that are dominating the nation's housing story and its implications for monetary policy. 

Foreign buyers' share of the new home market dropped to 10 per cent – their lowest share in four years. According to NAB, foreign buyers' share of new Victorian housing sales dropped from nearly 22 per cent in the June quarter to 15 per cent while NSW dropped from nearly 12 per cent to eight. For established property, foreign buyers' share eased from 7.2 per cent in the June period to 6.4 per cent. 

Owner occupiers continue to dominate the established home market. Excluding first-home buyers, owner occupiers bought 42 per cent of established homes in the latest period, about the same as the June quarter. Investors' (excluding FHB investors) share eased from 22 per cent to 20.6. On the same basis, owner occupiers accounted from 33 per cent of new properties while investors bought 24 per cent. 

The NAB survey continues to paint a very different picture of first home buyer activity compared with the Australian Bureau of Statistics count that relies on what lenders report and does not include investor FHBs.


The NAB survey estimates FHBs accounted for 31 per cent of all new property sales in the September quarter – 19 per cent as owner occupiers, 12 per cent as landlords. The figures were within one percentage point of being the same for established home sales.

The NAB figures and the most recent CoreLogic prices indicate millennials, when they're not too busy smashing avocados, have more people to blame for housing prices than just the Boomers. (Disclosure – see the colour of the hair in the dinkus.) The Gen Xers have been at it as well.

Foreign buyers' share of the new home market dropped to 10 per cent.
Foreign buyers' share of the new home market dropped to 10 per cent. Photo: James Alcock

The big jump between merely very expensive and eye-wateringly painful housing prices has been over the past five years. It's not a coincidence that the Reserve Bank started this cycle of interest rate cuts five years ago this week – trimming the cash rate from 4.75 to 4.5 per cent on Melbourne Cup day, 2011. 

Fast forward a further 300 basis points of cuts later and Sydney housing prices have soared 62.3 per cent by CoreLogic's count. Melbourne is up 38.1 per cent, about a half a per cent ahead of the combined capitals average, while the next individual highest, Brisbane, has gained a relatively modest 17 per cent. 

Owner occupiers continue to dominate the established home market.
Owner occupiers continue to dominate the established home market. Photo: Jessica Shapiro

So consider the last of the Gen Xers, born 1980. If he and she skipped the gap year – or years – and made their own peanut butter sandwiches, at the age of 31 in 2011 they could well have saved enough for stamp duty and the deposit to buy a $750,000 Sydney home. 

On average, it would now be worth $1.217 million. It's appreciated by an average $93,000 a year, all tax free for owner occupiers.  

It's not just the avocados holding back angry Gen Ys and slow-to-start Gen Xers.
It's not just the avocados holding back angry Gen Ys and slow-to-start Gen Xers. Photo: Greg Newington

There is more to housing affordability than the purchase price – the cause-and-effect of low interest rates plays almost as big a role – but the sticker shock and the extra effort to now ideally save a 20 per cent deposit is intimidating. 

To buy that older sibling's house, a 31-year-old Gen Y today wouldn't get change out of $300,000 for a 20 per cent deposit, stamp duty and legals. That's the "deposit hurdle" fingered by the Reserve Bank last year in its submission to the forgotten Senate housing affordability inquiry.  Even if drinking your own instant coffee instead of buying soy lattes, the hurdle has become massive, driving more FHBs into the landlord class where they can afford to buy while renting where they want to live. 

The demand and borrowing power of those already active have done enough to inflate Sydney and Melbourne prices.
The demand and borrowing power of those already active have done enough to inflate Sydney and Melbourne prices.  Photo: Josh Robenstone

As well as the hurdle deposit, it's not just the avocados holding back angry Gen Ys and slow-to-start Gen Xers. It's the gap year (or years) and the escalation of the education arms race with one degree no longer enough for many that has delayed the ability to start real jobs and consequently save some serious money – savings not helped by regular big holidays. 

Not that that really matters in the current market – the demand and borrowing power of those already active have done enough to inflate Sydney and Melbourne prices

If there's any comfort to be had from the NAB survey, the professionals think price rises will moderate. NAB expects a more subdued housing market from late next year as more supply arrives, but for those of us with plenty of skin in the game already – we Boomers and Xers – NAB doubts there will be a severe correction:

"We expect that once the recent resurgence in prices runs out of steam, we are likely to be left with a market that remains soft for a little longer," the bank's economics team writes. "Our average national house price forecast in 2016 has been increased to 7.9%, from 5.1%, which is a similar pace of growth to 2015. Our unit price forecasts are also higher, at 5.2%, up from 3.6% previously - but still slower than the rate of growth seen in 2015 (7.9%). 

"Fundamentals are expected to see a sizeable shift from late-2017/early-2018, with house prices forecast growth to be relatively subdued at 0.4% in 2017, while large additions to supply are expected to contribute to a decline in unit prices of 1.6%. 

"The timing of the shift is uncertain, however, and two anticipated interest rate cuts by the RBA in 2017 may delay the moderation in prices. Importantly though, we continue to hold the view that residential property prices are unlikely to experience a severe 'correction' without a trigger from a shock that leaves unemployment and/or interest rates sharply higher - a scenario not included in our forecasts."



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