Coal might not be `good for humanity,' but it helps Australian trade

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott was derided for praising coal as "good for humanity,'' given the environmental harm the fossil fuel causes. He may feel partly vindicated after its recent price spike.

The nation's second-largest export product has surged this year, with coking coal up a staggering 240 per cent, and was the star factor behind the narrowest trade deficit in 21 months in September, according to data released on Thursday. And market researcher Capital Economics projects the figures could get even better.

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"If coal prices stay at current levels, the deficit could be wiped out in a matter of months,'' said Paul Dales, chief Australia and New Zealand economist at Capital Economics in Sydney. If that happens, it would be Australia's first trade surplus since March 2014. "But that's a very big `if,''' he says.

Dales, like many analysts, sees the jump in the coal price as unsustainable. But there's some evidence that provides optimism: analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) shows Asian demand is likely to increase for years to come even though China, Japan and India - Australia's biggest importers of coal - have agreed on steps to limit fossil-fuel pollution.

A common refrain is that China builds two new coal-fired plants a week. That's still true despite efforts by policymakers to rely less on the commodity for power generation and as growth in demand for energy slides. BNEF sees China's rate of building such power stations falling from two to one in the next five years.


Japan, meanwhile, is pushing ahead with new coal-fired plants based on an assumption that power growth will continue for the next 15 years, according to BNEF.

Since the start of the year, the price of coking coal has risen from $US78.20 to $US265.50. Iron ore, Australia's largest export, has also rebounded. The steel making material has climbed from $US43.57 to US$65.31, a 50 per cent rise over the period.

Despite moves to limit reliance on fossil fuels in the face of global climate change, Asian demand for coal is expected ...
Despite moves to limit reliance on fossil fuels in the face of global climate change, Asian demand for coal is expected to rise for years to come. Photo: Sasha Radosavljevic

The price increases are all about China, again underscoring the nation's dependence on the world's second-largest economy.

Coking coal has surged after output from China tumbled under government pressure to reduce overcapacity. Skeptics expect that to correct after Chinese authorities asked miners to lift output before winter again to ease supply cuts. Iron ore has risen as Beijing authorities embarked on stimulus spending to boost the economy, spurring infrastructure and apartment construction.

Suddenly, some of Abbott's two-year-old comments look prescient. "Coal is good for humanity, coal is good for prosperity, coal is an essential part of our economic future, here in Australia and right around the world, '' the then-prime minister said at the 2014 opening of the Caval Ridge Mine in central Queensland.

Coal's resurgence is also a fillip for Abbott's successor, Malcolm Turnbull, who is struggling to rein in a budget deficit. The increase in national income from higher commodity export prices flows through to corporate profits, wages growth and government coffers via increased tax revenue.

It also makes it even less likely that RBA will cut interest rates any further from the current record-low 1.5 per cent.

Coal's comeback might not be a good thing for humanity, but it certainly helps Australia's economy.

