Bankers to feel the heat of a government-style inquisition

Will it be a wet-lettuce slapping or a genuine mea culpa when the heads of the big four banks front the House of Representatives economics committee this week?

Will they try and liven up, what can be pretty dull affairs with the same bluster as Kerry Packer, who verbally tore an inquiry to pieces on November 4, 1991, with his quip about paying or not, taxes?

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Ian Narev - CommInsure full interview

Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev answers questions on the Fairfax Media / ABC Four Corners CommInsure investigation.

Perhaps some of them can go the way of the other well known hearings, when prominent parties just have mental blanks about past issues.

First to appear is Ian Narev, the head of the Commonwealth Bank, at 2pm today, who has been under the spotlight for several issues including conduct at CommInsure. That shouldn't be a problem according to some press reports, which have it that the bank is close to completing its own investigations and that there were "no systematic failings".

Illustration: John Shakespeare
Illustration: John Shakespeare 

Given the bank has already copped problems such as using out-of-date definitions as the baseline for assessing claims on common conditions such as heart attacks and rheumatoid arthritis, it will be interesting to hear what Narev thinks constitutes a system. 

He will be followed by ANZ's Shayne Elliott on Wednesday morning while the NAB's Andrew Thorburn will appear on Thursday morning and Westpac's Brian Hartzer on Thursday afternoon.


Not so Funtastic

It's always darkest before dawn, and shareholders in toy wholesale Funtastic – and its suppliers – will be hoping the old saw holds true – especially as losses approach $228 million, it remains cashflow negative, has a $17 million net asset deficiency and as debt balloons.

Along the way the group has attracted high-profile investors such as billionaire retailer Gerry Harvey, who retains a small holding and Melbourne's Mathieson family, with its 14.08 per cent stake. But it is a long time since the company could boast of the likes of News Corp executive Lachlan Murdoch as shareholders.  

Still, directors, led by chief executive Niz Pizmony with a 9.24 per cent stake and chief financial officer Grant Mackenzie with 2.08 per cent, compiled its latest accounts, which went to the ASX Monday, on the basis of it remaining a "going concern", which must be good news for NAB, which has a big exposure to its $48 million of debt.

And perhaps shareholders and those exposed to the company can draw some solace from the fact that the auditors signed off on its books without warning of a potential demise.

All and sundry have been blamed for the group's woes, but at least senior management has taken pay cuts of up to 20 per cent, as it tries to stay afloat.

Saving Investa 

The battle for control of the Investa property group was one of the more drawn-out affairs in the real estate investment trust sector, but a new book by the former chairman, Scott MacDonald, shows just how tough these takeovers can be.

Titled Saving Investa, MacDonald, says he was a factory worker who "helped save one of Australia's iconic companies". While Investa remains up and running, according to the book, it was pretty touch and go for a while.

Having battled with the banks to get a loan, $75 million was still needed.

Group executive at Investa, Michael Cook, known for his black shirts, completed the sale of a building in Bligh Street for that price to Ausgrid, which came at the same time of power shortages in Sydney.

"I joked that the police were looking for a short guy in a black shirt that cut some cable," MacDonald says. "On my next trip to New York, I bought Michael a small baseball bat and left it on his desk. I told him he was our home-runner hitter."

But having come from the US, it wasn't the usual such tour that sees the executive come out to Aussie, collect the big bucks and then head home again for MacDonald. The book details he put everything into the deal, even suffering a minor stroke and a marriage breakdown.

Assets for sale

Speaking of asset sales, the gang at Growthpoint Properties, are casting a keen eye over the portfolio in an a bid to reduce debt, following its takeover of GPT Metro Fund, which was also a bit of a long-winded deal. In its investor update, the Aaron Hockly, Growthpoint's chief operating officer, says Growthpoint is considering how best to bring balance sheet gearing, now above its range of between 35-45 per cent, to within the target range.

Options include the reinstatement of the dividend reinvestment plan, asset sales and other capital raisings. Given the high demand for bricks and mortar, agents are in for a busy lead-up to the Christmas break. 
