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The night Hillary's guard came down

Hillary Clinton looked a lot less polished at an event in aid of the Children's Defence Fund than she did during her ...

Putting on a good face is something Hillary Clinton is used to. Throughout her gruelling campaign for the presidency, every pant suit, haircut and slick of lip balm seemed to be a calculated move in letting the world know that here was a professional woman in control. A woman in touch with her feminine side. A woman who knew what she was doing.

Moonshine for the disenchanted

Malcolm Turnbull is on your side, and feels your pain. He understands how you feel – heavens he was poor and insecure ...

That whining noise in the background this week was mostly from politicians and businessmen trying to pretend that they have "got" the message from the election of Donald Trump as US President, and about what it means for Australians whom they have pissed-off.

Life in a 'post-truth' world

In this ''post-truth'' world, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull isn't elite any more.

One post-truth reality is that all "elites" are inherently bad. Even Malcolm Turnbull (private schoolboy, Oxford graduate and wealthy merchant banker) is suddenly against them.