
Two-time long drive world champion Jamie Sadlowski to play in NSW Open and Australian Open

Golf's real life answer to Happy Gilmore will bring his extraordinary ability to hit a ball further than anyone else to Australia next month.

Canadian Jamie Sadlowski, a two-time long drive world champion who can pound a golf ball almost 450 yards, will play in the NSW Open before likely taking a spot in the Australian Open at Royal Sydney the following week.

Jamie Sadlowski hits out.
Jamie Sadlowski hits out.  Photo: Supplied

Sadlowski's extraordinary length off the tee is not the only reason he has been compared to the lovable movie character Happy Gilmore - he also played ice hockey at a competitive level before concentrating on golf.

"The only difference between me and Happy Gilmore is I can skate a whole lot better than he can," Sadlowski joked in a Vice Sports video earlier this year. "I remember watching Happy Gilmore when I was a kid and I was like, 'Man, that guy just hit it 400 yards and there's no way a guy can do that'."

The other Happy Gilmore.
The other Happy Gilmore.  

Known to be able to also crush balls more than 300 yards left-handed, Sadlowski plays the majority of his golf right-handed and only has a moderate frame compared to some of the other big hitters who he has challenged on the long-drive circuit.

He once joked he looked more like a teenage girl akin to NFL players when he stands beside his long drive rivals and his father has described him as "freaky boy". 


The 28-year-old announced earlier this year he would quit long drive tournaments to try to earn a ticket on the US PGA Tour and will be a crowd pleaser on the tees during his short stint in Australia.

His 2008 and 2009 long drive titles attracted a storm of interest given he was average in size and he was recorded hitting a ball 370 yards as a 14-year-old, but his desire now lies in carving out a career on the regular tour.

Jamie Sadlowski
Jamie Sadlowski 

Stonecutters Ridge Golf Club will host the NSW Open, which is set to feature a rejuvenated tournament this year given it will be played just a week prior to the Australian Open.

The NSW Open has been flooded with entries and already boasts a field containing some of Australia's most decorated golfers in Peter Senior, Peter Fowler, Peter O'Malley, Nick O'Hern, Robert Allenby, Craig Parry and Peter Lonard. It will begin on November 10.