Comment & Analysis

Murray Goulburn - who's milking who?

CPA Australia's Alex Malley has queried Murray Goulburn's accounts.

They say the only certainties in life are death and taxes, but the concept of certainty is at the core of the issue confronting beleaguered dairy processor Murray Goulburn.

Fair Work gives dodgy operators an edge

In the past year Caltex has terminated five franchisees who operated 13 sites.

Here we go again. This time it is oil giant Caltex embroiled in allegations of worker exploitation happening across a national franchise network of more than 650 stores.

Turnbull government is close to being morally bankrupt

These penny-pinching cost cuts are far from sufficient to make much impact on the budget deficit.

Did you know our social security system is so open to rorting that it's possible for some people to get more from benefits than they'd earn if they took a job? And we wonder why we have problem with debt and deficit.

Don't bet on another interest rate cut

After squeezing their margins in food, alcohol, clothing and luxury goods for ever so long, retailers are starting to ...

Behind the typically bland language used by RBA governor Philip Lowe to explain Tuesday's decision to keep the cash rate on hold lies a belief that things are about to pick up.

Cheap airfares hit Qantas profit


Record low airfares have knocked some of the gloss off Qantas' profit since June, and its first-half result won't match last year's bumper result.

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