Rugby Union


Get rid of Bill Pulver but never, ever sack Wallabies coach Michael Cheika

I don't know why, but my mum's got it in for Michael Cheika.

"The first thing they have to do to fix the Wallabies," she says, "is get rid of that silly Bill Pulver. And then get rid of that awful Michael Cheika."

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Cheika says NZ lack respect

Wallabies coach Michael Cheika says New Zealand lack respect after he was pictured on the front page of the New Zealand Herald as a clown. Vision courtesy

Now, normally these might be dismissed as the uninformed ravings of a fed-up septuagenarian who doesn't know how to record television programs on either a VCR or Foxtel iQ and is therefore (a) sleep deprived and (b) intensely frustrated after getting up in the middle of the night to be disappointed yet again by a Wallabies Test match.

That's normally. But in these straitened and shrunken times for Australian rugby, my mother is one of the remaining few, the opinionated faithful, the hard core, the rump. She is, in other words, a rugby stakeholder, and the stakeholders' views must be heard.

That said, she's wrong. They might have to serve her the head of Pulver and hope that she doesn't realise that won't help the Wallabies win. But please, please, don't give her Michael Cheika.

If the Wallabies win the Grand Slam, Cheika will enjoy exalted status for life: lucrative public speaking and MC-ing engagements, political influence, immunity from consequences and the adulation of septuagenarian grandmaternal morning radio listeners. Or, he can come back a loser, quit or get the sack, and go back to his successful business life. So much is riding on this!


But whatever happens on the Wallabies' spring tour, I believe Cheika should be retained, for the following seven reasons.

1. He is funny. Not clown funny, if you think clowns are funny, which I don't, but funny funny. When he blows up at press conferences, that's warm-up-act funny. The main show is when he's captured in a half-time changing room address doing the full Richard Pryor. Seriously funny. And beyond that, there's CENSORED funny. This is during Wallabies matches, when the telly cuts to Cheika in the coaching box after a northern hemisphere refereeing decision. When he blows up, Cheika doesn't do the John Longmire 'I'll pretend I'm coughing into my hand' or the Craig Bellamy 'I'll pretend I have to rush out the back of the box to the loo'. Cheika does the 'I'll pretend I have to stretch my legs' and stands up so that his face is out of the camera shot. So what we get is Cheika's body expressing its very own language. That's funny. That's CENSORED funny.

Scary funny and scary scary: Wallabies coach Michael Cheika.
Scary funny and scary scary: Wallabies coach Michael Cheika. Photo: Getty Images

2. He is scary. That is, clown scary, if you think clowns are scary, which I do. Cheika is scarier than a painted pagliacci by the side of Bunnerong Road at 4 in the morning. And I'm only watching him on TV. Heaven knows how scared his players must be, which is why he must, must remain as their coach.

3. His players are improving. This may be debatable, given they are improving only against teams other than the All Blacks. But it's something, isn't it? Look at Michael Hooper in the past year, and Rob Simmonds and Lopeti Tomani and all those others who are staying in Australia to play for Australia. They're better under Cheika (I think).

Chief executive of the Australian Rugby Union Bill Pulver.
Chief executive of the Australian Rugby Union Bill Pulver. Photo: Daniel Munoz

4. He brought in Muck the Kuck. Mick Byrne was once a Melbourne, Hawthorn and Sydney AFL player known as "Mick the Kick". He won a premiership in 1983 with the Hawks, but was perhaps better known as the player who kicked a record number of behinds in a game – eight – without kicking a goal. When he popped up as an international rugby skills coach in 2007, The Age titled its report, "Inaccurate ruckman kicks on as specialist". Belying his reputation, Byrne went to the All Blacks where he took credit for teaching all those forwards standing in the back line how to run, catch and pass, and was also able to fulfil his dream of being worshipped by his New Zealand fans who knew him as Muck the Kuck. This is a roundabout way of saying that Cheika has now recruited Muck to teach Australian forwards standing in the back line how to run, catch and pass, and therefore make the Wallabies the best team in history. Go Cheik. Go Muck.

5. He puts his team first. For most coaches, putting the players first is just lip service. But it was Cheika who put his body on the line when contesting a ball with Israel Folau, and Cheika who took it on the collarbone. Most importantly, this happened in practice, which means that for Folau's preparation, the nearest equivalent to a frothing, enraged, onrushing New Zealand forward was a 50-year-old Michael Cheika. Enough said.

6. He loves the jersey with the passion of someone who never played in it. Anyone who had earned a Wallabies jersey would probably feel secure enough to laugh off being painted as a clown. But Cheika didn't earn one, and was man enough to say that that was why he was offended. He drips pride in the jersey with the passion of the unrequited, like a Catholic priest marrying a couple and extolling the benefits of love, family and parenthood. Perhaps a better comparison could have been found. But Cheika shows that you don't have to have worn a jersey to honour it.

7. And finally: he's the most compelling personality out there. Even if she hates him, I believe the only thing standing between my mum and dozing off in the middle of the first half is one M. Cheika. We have no on-field Campeses, Ellas or Larkhams, so we must take what we can, and right now it is the coach. I respect my mother's rugby knowledge further than I could kuck it. But on this one, she's wrong. The Wallabies may win the Grand Slam. Or they may not even get past the French Open. Whichever way it ends up, they'd be a wreck without Cheik.
