- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 23461
The 2004 Madrid train bombings (also known in Spain as 11-M) were nearly simultaneous, coordinated bombings against the Cercanías commuter train system of Madrid, Spain, on the morning of 11 March 2004 – three days before Spain's general elections. The explosions killed 191 people and injured more than 1,800. The official investigation by the Spanish judiciary found that the attacks were directed by an al-Qaeda-inspired terrorist cell, although no direct al-Qaeda participation has been established. Though they had no role in the planning or implementation, the Spanish miners who sold the explosives to the terrorists were also arrested.
Controversy regarding the handling and representation of the bombings by the government arose, with Spain's two main political parties (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and Partido Popular (PP)), accusing each other of concealing or distorting evidence for electoral reasons. The bombings occurred three days before general elections in which incumbent José María Aznar's PP was defeated. Immediately after the bombing, leaders of the PP claimed evidence indicating the Basque separatist organization, ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) was responsible for the bombings, while Islamist responsibility would have had the opposite effect, as it would have been seen as a consequence of the PP government taking Spain into the Iraq War, a policy extremely unpopular with Spaniards. Nationwide demonstrations and protests followed the attacks asking the government to tell the truth. The predominant view among political analysts is that the Aznar administration lost the general elections as a result of the handling and representation of the terrorist attacks, rather than because of the bombings per se.
Edición de las 15h de Telediario. Pese a que en esas horas la mayoría de medios de comunicación extranjeros ya barajaban la hipótesis del terrorismo islámico, Televisión Española se ciñe única y exclusivamente en la versión oficial de Jose María Aznar sobre la autoría de ETA. Llegando al punto de que TVE censura la rueda de prensa en que Arnaldo Otegui condena el atentado y niega la autoría de ETA. Una terrible jornada de dolor para todos en que TVE firma una de sus páginas más negras de manipulación y falta de profesionalidad. Presentan esta edición de Telediario Josep Puigbó y Ana Blanco. Fuente: http://www.veoh.com/watch/e59136bANXMMKq
Esta tv movie relata cómo se llevaron a cabo los atentados del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid, desde su preparación hasta el momento de las explosiones que mataron a 191 personas. ¿Cómo entraron en contacto los distintos miembros de la célula terrorista? ¿Cómo consiguieron el explosivo para fabricar las bombas? ¿Cómo se organizaron para llevar a cabo el atentado? ¿Cómo introdujeron las mochilas cargadas de explosivos en los trenes? Éstos son algunos de los interrogantes a los que da respuesta “11-M”, una tv-movie basada en los hechos recogidos en la sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional y el fallo del Tribunal Supremo. Un delincuente marroquí transformado en un extremista islámico, un licenciado en Económicas con un oscuro plan en mente, un ex-minero avilesino como cómplice, un confidente po...
Suscríbete a BBC Mundo http://vid.io/xqOx El 11 de marzo de 2004 una serie de bombas explotaron en varios trenes de Madrid. Los atentados dejaron 191 muertos y más de 1.800 heridos. En este documental de Jose Gomez, las víctimas y sus familiares narran lo que ocurrió aquel día.
Los autores de los atentados del 11-M culminan su sangriento plan. Se suben a los trenes con dirección a Atocha cargados de explosivos. Provocarán una auténtica masacre. ¿Cómo fue el día de los atentados? Mes y medio antes del atentado, los terroristas se refugian en una casa cercana al municipio madrileño de Morata de Tajuña, donde planifican pormenorizadamente los detalles del ataque que perpetrarán en la estación de Atocha. Mientras preparan la acción terrorista, los miembros de la célula viven en el inmueble sin levantar la más mínima sospecha. A finales de febrero, tres terroristas del grupo viajan a la mina asturiana en busca de dinamita. Tras conseguir el explosivo, varios agentes de la Guardia Civil detienen el vehículo en el que regresan a Madrid para multar por exceso de velocid...
Atentado bomba estación de Atocha. 11M. Un cambio de vagón al último momento y Rubén sobrevivió al atentado del 11 de marzo de 2004. Nos cuenta cómo vivió aquel día y cómo inició una lenta recuperación que continúa a día de hoy para tener una vida normal. Leer más: http://videos.lavanguardia.com/20140311/54402927680/atentado-11m-victima-ruben-secuelas-ahora-vivo-200.html#ixzz35l6lDlsn
Reportaje sobre los días siguientes a los atentados del 11 de Marzo en la estación de Atocha (Madrid) en los que fallecieron 191 personas. Varios periodistas que cubrieron la noticia, tanto nacionales como extranjeros, explican su versión de los hechos, cómo vivieron esos días y cuentan cómo fueron presionados por el gobierno para afirmar que los atentados habían sido obra de ETA. También hablan sobre las manifestaciones que se sucedieron a los atentados cuando la gente comenzó a creer que fueron consecuencia del apoyo del gobierno español a la invasión de Irak
Documental "El camino de la libertad"
Hace una década Madrid era escenario del mayor atentado terrorista múltiple ocurrido en Europa. Poco después de las siete y media de la mañana de aquel once de marzo, diez bombas casi simultáneas, hicieron explosión en cuatro trenes de dos líneas de la red de cercanías de Madrid. Atocha, El Pozo, Santa Eugenia, son nombres de estaciones que desde aquel día recuerdan a muchos la tragedia provocada por terroristas yihadistas. Ciento noventa personas murieron en aquel momento, como consecuencia de aquellos atentados, y dos más fallecieron en días posteriores. Más de mil quinientas personas resultaron heridas. Centenares de profesionales y voluntarios, colaboraron en el rescate y en la atención a las víctimas. Detrás de cada uno de ellos, hay una historia de vida, un relato que, en muchos caso...
EL 11M FUE LA CIA=OTAN=GLADIO EL PP Y EL PSOE SON COMPLICES Y NOS MIENTEN CON LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACION EL 11M DEL 2004 NOS ENGAÑARON CON UN ATENTADO DICIENDO QUE ALQAEDA HERAN LOS CULPABLES Y DE ESO NADA DE NADA HOY EN EL 2011 SABEMOS DESDE HACE MUCHOS AÑOS QUE EL 11S EL 11M Y 7J FUERON FALSAS BANDERAS. INVESTIGAR 11S http://www.investigar11s.org/ http://investigar11s.blogspot.com INVESTIGAR 11M http://investigar11m.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Investigar-11-M/196621503694098 http://www.youtube.com/user/investigar11m
Spain Remembers 10 year Anniversary Of Madrid Train Bombings
A decade on, Spain has been remembering the victims of the Madrid bombings which left 191 people and more than 2,000 injured. On March 11 2004, Al-Qaeda-inspired terrorists targeted four commuter trains with 10 bombs hidden in backpacks and detonated by mobile phone. It was the country's worst ever terror attack. Spain's royal family and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy attended a mass held at Madrid's Almudena Cathedral alongside relatives and rescue workers. At Atocha station where most of the... READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/03/11/spain-remembers-victims-of-the-madrid-bombings-ten-years-on What is in the news today? Click to watch: http://eurone.ws/1kb2gOl euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a euronews is available in 14 lang...
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Angeles and Eloy are neighbours who, for years, met up each morning for the train commute to work in the centre of the Spanish capital, Madrid. On 11 March 2004, they would both be lucky to survive that usually mundane and most routine of journeys when a bomb ripped through their train. Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports from Madrid. At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based report...
++CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE PICTURES CONTAIN GRAPHIC IMAGES++ 1. Wide shot taken from window of train and aftermath of blast 2. Zoom in to carriage with huge hole in inside - dead bodies and badly injured people clearly visible 3. Injured man moving 4. Emergency teams running towards train with stretcher 5. Wide shot train 6. People walking on track alongside train 7. Emergency rescue teams at the scene 8. Zoom into wrecked carriage 9. Body being stretchered away 10. Various injured being carried away and police at scene 11. Zoom in to bloody, crumpled bodies in train 12. Wide train STORYLINE: Amateur video obtained by APTN on Saturday showed a train at Madrid''s Atocha station just moments after it was bombed on Thursday. Filmed from the window of a nearby apartment building, t...
8 March 2006 AP TELEVISION ++EDITORS PLEASE NOTE: LAURA JIMENEZ HAS NOT AGREED TO BROADCAST HER INTERVIEW IN THE SPANISH TERRITORY++ 1. Victim of attack Laura Jimenez in wheelchair in kitchen 2. Laura prepares drink 3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Laura Jimenez: "The only thing I want, everyday, is to get a little bit more of quality of life. I am still learning to live with this day to day, getting used to the wheelchair. You think� that it was over 2 years ago, but it takes a lot to recover the things that you lost in a minute." 4. Laura with her mother in kitchen 5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Laura Jimenez: "For example this Christmas I was in a shopping centre full of people. I saw three Muslims. I thought to myself and what if they plant a bomb. You always have it in the back of your mind."...
Memories of a horrendous terrorist attack came flooding back when Madrid's main railway station was closed over a bomb alert that turned out to be false. Passengers had their journeys disrupted and Atocha station was closed for almost an hour. In March 2004 it was the scene of an attack by Islamists who planted a series of bombs on trains, killing 191 people. This time there was nothing. "I was going to Seville at 11 (o'clock) but they aren't letting us through because there has been a bomb … READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/01/02/spain-atocha-station-in-madrid-closed-over-fake-bomb-alert What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://w...
I was in Spain in March 2004. Halfway through my trip Madrid was hit by terrorism. I used photos I took and some security video at the Atchoa Station to make this video. It was amazing how the Spanish people came together during such a terrible time. Youtube
LiveLeak - A Belgian connection again as terror strikes Europe The theory of a Belgian connection with the Paris attacks is gaining ground. Seven people have now been detained in Belgium in connection with the inquiry amid searches focussed on the largely immigrant Molenbeek area of Brussels, a district that has been dubbed a hotbed of radical Islam. Two of the cars used by the attackers were hired in Belgium according to the country’s federal prosecutor. And, most strikingly, it has emerged that two of the seven attackers who died in Paris on Friday night were French nationals who had lived in Brussels, one of them in Molenbeek. #UPDATE Two attackers killed in Paris were Frenchmen who lived in Brussels: prosecutor https://t.co/9AJZKD5yOR pic.twitter.com/98hrFSzC3R— Agence France-Pres...
Verse 1:
Talking: Ladies, tell us, are ya ready Well, come on, yeah
Eenie, meenie, miney moe
Which one of y'all wanna go with me
To party, on friday, where it be, it's crazy Get funny, spend money, so love,
lean with me
You will see that I'm only tryin' to do my thing
Ain't tryin' to waste no time you see
So, whatcha sayin' to me
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Do you want to party with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say (Hey yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Verse 2:
Everybody here, everybody there
Throw your hands in the air
(Throw your hands up, throw your hands up)
Keep it tight, all night, alright right, ok now
I'm gonna show ya how to get down
(Get down get down, get down get down)
Ain't no half steppin'
People in this place come on, now
Tell me whatcha say
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Oh whatcha say, whatcha say, yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Get down with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(What ya sayin')
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Tell me)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey, hey, whatcha say)
Hey hey whatcha say
(Do you wanna party)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Oh what cha say)
Tonight is the night
When we make it so tight
I'll get down 'till the light
To all the girls and the boys
Now you make some noise
Don't be afraid to join
Oh, sing it
Hey, hey whatcha say
(What you say)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Come on and party with me)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(What ya say, what you say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Uh oh what you say)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Hey, hey yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Oh I want you to say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Come on and party with me)