
Millions of butterflies flutter through south-east Queensland skies

Hundreds of millions of native butterflies have flocked to south-east Queensland in a phenomenon which only happens every six to 10 years.

Caper White butterflies are migrating from west of the Great Dividing Range to lay their eggs.

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Bribie Island butterfly breeder Ray Archer said the insects lay 60-100 eggs each on caper bushes and once hatched, the caterpillars can "annihilate" the plants.

Mr Archer said it was normal to see the butterflies at this time of year but larger migrations such as this week's were less common, happening about every six to 10 years.

The butterflies have been seen in Bundaberg too, where Petrina McDonald photographed this one on Saturday.
The butterflies have been seen in Bundaberg too, where Petrina McDonald photographed this one on Saturday.  Photo: Petrina McDonald (Instagram)

"I can look out my window at Bribie Island and see at least 10 or 20 per minute," he said.

Hundreds of millions of Caper White butterflies are on the move as they migrate east to lay their eggs.
Hundreds of millions of Caper White butterflies are on the move as they migrate east to lay their eggs. Photo: Wayne Venables

Indooroopilly butterfly farmer Ross Kendall said the Caper Whites usually start to fly through about October.

He said there was a similar influx a few years ago where car windscreens were "plastered" with butterflies as commuters drove on the motorways.

Queensland Museum entomology curator Dr Christine Lambkin said in a 2015 blog post there was no simple explanation for the waves of butterflies.

However, Dr Lambkin said it may be related to hot and humid conditions, which Brisbane has just started to experience with Saturday forecasted to reach 35 degrees.

"(The conditions provide) perfect flying weather for butterflies as they don't need to consume as much energy to keep warm and hydrated," she said.

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