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What Electrical Work Should You Consider for a New Build?

Last Updated Dec 21, 2015 · Written by


If you're building a new home, you have an opportunity to update your electrical system and make use of all the latest technologies. Here's what a modern home electrical system should include.

Modern Home Electrics

Modern homes include all the electrical connections older homes included and more. Today, we have computers, rechargeable phones, home offices, home entertainment systems and other things to think about. Your electrician can help you, but they will need your input to create an electrical system that will suit you now and in the future.

Where will you place your powerpoints, for example? In older homes, most powerpoints are close to floor level and are usually single or double powerpoints only. If you have a home office or home theatre system, that's not nearly enough. Think about all your peripheral devices. Do you have enough powerpoints for them? Are you providing fibre optic cabling for your computers?

In most older homes, the only powerpoints above bench or table height are in the kitchen and bathroom. Today, you'll want to be able to recharge your phone, laptop and other portable devices. Make provisions for those now and you won't regret it later.

Home Automation

Home automation systems today are affordable and increasingly common. In the future, they are likely to become commonplace. The biggest expense is in retrofitting an existing electrical system to accommodate home automation. If you have your home automation electrical work done along with your other installations, you'll reduce the cost and add substantial value to your home. Contact home automation experts while you're in the design stages and you will know what you need in advance.

Home Security

Home security systems today are less expensive and more efficient than in the past. A home security system can be integrated with your home automation system or be a stand-alone system. A good home security system will include outdoor lighting with motion detectors, CCTV cameras and can be connected via WiFi to your smartphone and computer.

LED Lights

LED lights are set to replace incandescent lights in the future. When planning your lighting system, the more LED lights you install, the better off you'll be. Although more expensive initially than standard incandescent or fluorescent lights, LED lights are much longer lasting and more energy efficient. LED lights are also versatile. They come in a wide range of colour tones, giving you the choice between ambient or task lighting. LEDs are also ideal for home automation systems. And don't forget your outdoor LED lighting.

Home Theatre

You may not be including a separate room for a home theatre in your house plans, but home theatres are becoming more common in living rooms across Australia. If you have all the outlets you need for a home theatre installed now, you won't need to have an expensive retrofit later. Type "home theatre" in the search bar on our Articles page and learn about your home theatre options.

You may not think you need all of these things now, but odds are you will want to have most or all of them later. Although providing for everything will cost more initially, it will save you the cost of an expensive retrofit later and add value to your home when you're ready to sell.

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