
How Siobhan Daley became the public face of the NDIS

Siobhan Daley knows first-hand how the National Disability Insurance Scheme can change lives but new research shows she's much better informed than most.

The 16-year-old, who joined the scheme when it was being trialled in Newcastle in 2013, describes it as "amazing".

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Why the NDIS is a big deal

One of the biggest policy reforms in generations is about to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians.

"The NDIS has allowed me to choose where I want to go and what I want to do when I want to," she said.

Now she hopes to spread the word as part of a NSW government campaign to address a concerning lack of awareness about the $22 billion scheme, which has been hailed as the most important social policy reform since the introduction of Medicare.

Research commissioned by the state government found one-third of the general population had not heard of the scheme. Two-thirds were unaware of when it would become available in NSW.

Awareness was also lacking among people with a disability, with the survey finding 62 per cent had not heard how to gain access to the scheme and 57 per cent were unaware of when the program would start in NSW.


The survey of 1000 people by independent research firm JWS included people with disability, their families and carers, advocacy groups, service providers and the general population.

Only half the service providers surveyed agreed they knew all they needed to about the NDIS, which is being gradually rolled out across Australia over the next three years.

Siobhan Daley, 16, is the face of a new campaign to promote the NDIS.
Siobhan Daley, 16, is the face of a new campaign to promote the NDIS.  Photo: Marina Neil

Ms Daley agreed there had been misinformation about the scheme, which had led to uncertainty among people with a disability.

"The NDIS was designed to help people however they choose but people are being given the wrong information by whoever, which makes them almost nervous or doubtful about the NDIS," she said.

The NSW government drive, launched last week, comes after the federal government pulled the pin on a $14 million NDIS advertising campaign as part of a wider budget measure.

Under the NDIS, the number of people receiving disability support in NSW will increase from 90,000 to 140,000, meaning an extra 50,000 people will require information about how to take part in the scheme.

"We want to give people with disability and their families the information they need, when they need it, so they can take charge of their future," NSW Disability Services Minister John Ajaka said.

After three years in the scheme, Ms Daley is enjoying her new-found independence. She plans to compete in boccia at the Tokyo Paralympics and establish a business when she finishes high school.

"I want to represent my country in Tokyo 2020 and I will with a lot of hard work and determination," she said. "I would also like to start a business doing communication device programming and various different things."
