The Heart of Henry Quantum review: Pepper Harding's well-written love story

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This was published 7 years ago

The Heart of Henry Quantum review: Pepper Harding's well-written love story

By Kerryn Goldsworthy

The Heart of Henry Quantum


<i>The Heart of Henry Quantum</i>, by Pepper Harding is a stream-of-consciousness love story.

The Heart of Henry Quantum, by Pepper Harding is a stream-of-consciousness love story.

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It is December 23 and Henry Quantum is walking the streets of San Francisco looking for a bottle of Chanel No. 5, a gift at once luxurious and impersonal, as a Christmas present for his wife of 15 years. This quest gets derailed when he bumps into his old lover, Daisy, but Henry is also self-derailing, for he is a former student of philosophy and his mind wanders constantly. It's a reader-accessible American Ulysses, in a way, with a one-day time frame and a one-city setting, using modified stream-of-consciousness and focusing on marriage, love and infidelity. Pepper Harding is the pseudonym of an experienced author, a fact the publicity for this book makes much of. While this disguise and other overegged moments of cleverness are more irritating than otherwise, it's still a well-structured and well-written love story.

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