Bear Douglas


Dev Advocacy . Erstwhile archaeologist, always a cappella nerd.

2010(e)ko apirilak(e)tik Twitterren

@beardigsit blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @beardigsit desblokeatuko.

  1. 10/26 at 's Seattle will walk you through two fun projects he did with Trump tweets cc

  2. Thank... well, everything, we got and all the genius of tonight. So. Needed.

  3. Upcoming voter registration deadlines. It's now or never.

  4. . Netflix sent me a push today letting me know that AHS season 5 is now streaming. *squee*

  5. It blows my mind how much the team has scaled up our processing pipeline. Amazing work done by great people!

  6. New studio is opening tomorrow in the Castro! Anyone want to come check it out with me?

  7. Be kind to employees today, please. Not their fault.

  8. TIL it's my one year anniversary of starting classes at - can't wait to start teaching this Monday at Noe!

  9. demand that release and all arrested protestors without harm ASAP

  10. We’re sick of seeing names trend because they were killed brutally and unjustly. We demand change.

  11. Friday fun at the Twoffice

  12. Happy ! We ❤️ the developer community - thanks for caring and sharing!

  13. When lets me know at 3AM that an update I pushed was bad

  14. "What is the EU?" is the second top UK question on the EU since the were officially announced

  15. This gave me goosebumps, listening & watching to the power of 's emotion at

  16. 97 degrees in Boulder tomorrow 😳

  17. Dog 911: what's ur emergency? Dog: MY HUMAN WENT TO WORK Dog 911: so? Dog: WHAT IF THIS TIME HE DOESN'T COME BACK Dog 911: OMG Dog: OMG

  18. Bear Douglas(e)k jarraitu du: , , and 18 others
    • @bgannin

      snarky bastard, code monkey, UI nerd, gamer, shutterbug, ex-Apple; senior developer for (mac)

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
