
Scientist Hugh Possingham quits over Baird government's land-clearing plan

A leading adviser to the Baird government's proposed changes to native vegetation laws has quit in protest, warning the plans could lead to a doubling of broadscale land clearing in the state.

Hugh Possingham, a Queensland University conservation biologist, submitted his resignation letter to Premier Mike Baird and key ministers, saying his advice and those from a panel he had sat on were being ignored.

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NSW land clearing impacts koalas

The extent of wide-scale land clearing across NSW is revealed in the new documentary, Cultivating Murder.

Instead of improving the existing legislation, the new biodiversity conservation package due to be put to Parliament as soon as next week will enable farmers to clear hundreds of hectares a property without having to find equivalent areas of offsets to preserve biodiversity under so-called "equity codes".

"It's not what we agreed to," Professor Possingham told Fairfax Media. "If you increase the quantity and quality of land clearing, you increase the chances of extinction."

At present rates, NSW loses about 20,000 hectares of native vegetation a year through clearing, a rate that could soar. 

"You don't need many people clearing a few hundred hectares before you get to 20,000," he said. "If it doubled I wouldn't be surprised." 


Professor Possingham's exit is a blow to the government's case that its new laws – including additional funds to promote private conservation efforts – will improve biodiversity protection in the state. 

Farmers' groups have argued existing laws tie them in bureaucratic red tape and place controls on their operations that don't apply to other developers such as miners.

''No tree, no me'' is one slogan koala supporters use to draw attention to the threat from land clearing.
''No tree, no me'' is one slogan koala supporters use to draw attention to the threat from land clearing.  Photo: Noosa Koala Sightings/Facebook

NSW Environment Minister Mark Speakman said Professor Possingham "has provided valuable input to the 43 recommendations of the independent panel which were accepted by government, and subsequently during the reform process".

"Professor Possingham's opinions on the consultation draft, however, are not shared by the other three panel members who have indicated that the proposals are balanced and include strong environmental safeguards, including strong caps and limits on clearing, offset requirements, exclusions and a record investment in private land conservation."

Professor Hugh Possingham.
Professor Hugh Possingham. 

'Final nail'

Penny Sharpe, Labor's environment spokeswoman, said Professor Possingham's resignation "should be the final nail in the coffin for the proposed land clearing laws".

"These laws have the support of precisely no one," Ms Sharpe said. "Scientists say they will increase land clearing, environmentalists point to the loss of native animal habitat and impact on water and soils. Many farmers say that these laws have no place in modern farming."

Mehreen Faruqi, Greens environment spokeswoman, said Professor Possingham has been used by the NSW government "to greenwash their environmental law changes".

"If Premier Baird proceeds with these laws, he will go down in history as the biggest environmental vandal this state has ever seen," Dr Faruqi said.

Kate Smolski, chief executive of the NSW Nature Conservation Council, said Premier Baird had used the Biodiversity Legislation Review Panel, of which Professor Possingham was a member, to give legitimacy to the vegetation change.

"These laws have little to do with biodiversity conservation and everything to do with fast-tracking land clearing and property development," Ms Smolski said.


Professor Possingham, who will become chief scientist to the US-based Nature Conservancy group later this month, said he had joined the review panel two years ago with great optimism.

"[Minister Rob] Stokes was very inspiring," he said, referring to the then environment minister who now oversees planning in the state. "This was generational reform of environmental legislation and he wanted to get this right."

The government's promise to introduce all the panel's recommendations had been broken, with the introduction of clearing codes.

"The codes snuck in at a late date," Professor Possingham said. "I didn't just have a hissy fit and resign but tried to warn officials of the impact."

He said officials took on his concerns but didn't answer them.

The codes had been in place to allow farmers to clear along new fence lines or make other modifications to their property. The new rules, though, would allow hundreds of hectares to be destroyed at will.

NSW now faces going down a path similar to Queensland's, where changes introduced by the government of Campbell Newman triggered a tripling of land clearing.

"I worry about Queensland and NSW," Professor Possingham said, adding that not only will land and soil quality be affected, but carbon emissions and the states' overseas reputation.

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