Bring It On: Kabbalah - CBN.com
Should I confront my husband about his viewing pornography? What is Kabbalah? Is there more than one heaven? .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
published: 01 Jun 2010
How did Kabbalah Begin? Brief History of Jewish Mysticism
Some say Kabbalah goes all the way back to the beginning of time. Others say the first century. Here, we present a historical viewpoint of it going back to the thirteenth century in northern Spain, and how its influence has continued to shape Judaism today.
SUBSCRIBE to BimBam [http://www.youtube.com/bimbam]
SIGN UP to our email newsletter to get educational content delivered to your inbox every week: http://bit.ly/2dyXrG3
BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages. Watch something Jewish at https://www.bimbam.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heybimbam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heybimbam
We are a nonprofit organization and would love your support to continue creating engaging and educational content. If you...
published: 14 Mar 2019
Información Importante:
Esta es una producción audiovisual única en su género. Le llevará a través de las específicas características de su signo, relacionándolos con la inmensa sabiduría y el poder de la astrología. Este viaje a través del camino de la astrología no se limita sólo a la sabiduría universal de las estrellas, sino que incluye otras tradiciones vitales como el Tarot, la Cábala, la Alquimia, Yoga Chacras y Mitología.
Suscribete a nuestro canal: http://bit.ly/2odPGHP
Siguenos en nuestras redes:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PirosDigital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PirosDigital
Copyright © 2017, Piros Digital
published: 13 Apr 2016
Jewish Mysticism Explained | Exploring Kabbalah
Was Adam, the first human in the Hebrew Bible, the first mystic? Why does tradition hold that one should not study Jewish mysticism -- known as Kabbalah-- until age 40? Where were the centers of Jewish mystical teaching before the city of Safed in the northern mountains of Israel rose to become the hub of Kabbalah in the 15th century? Learn the answers to these questions, as well as how Kabbalah took root in Jewish life and culture, in the first episode of the AIB series, "Exploring Kabbalah."
******Purchase this program and many others here: https://www.aibtv.com/shopaib/ *********
****** Be sure to follow AIB on social media! *******
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/watchaibtv/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/watchaibtv/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/watchaibtv
published: 28 Jun 2018
Music Playlist for the 2018 World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey, May 3-6
Interactive online Kabbalah course that will unlock your reality!
Register now http://bit.ly/2L40cLl
00:00 - We Are the People
03:55 - Message
06:51 - Learning to Unite
10:17 - Open Your Eyes
13:57 - Light and Love
17:32 - Rak Nitsotz (Only a Spark)
21:19 - It's All One
25:22 - Ascending the Ladder
28:23 - Home
32:36 - Unidos
35:44 - Kodem ba Ahava (First Comes Love)
39:33 - Hine Ma Tov (2016 Kabbalah NJ congress)
41:52 - Completing the Circle
45:37 - 10 in Between
48:32 - Con - Gli - Amici
52:48 - Hey Hey
55:28 - Un Solo Corazon
59:23 - Ray of Light
1:02:21 - Vamonos Todos Juntos
1:04:52 - Tous Pour Lun
1:08:37 - Here We Are
1:12:00 - What's the Meaning of Life?
►Play it on Soundcloud:
About Music and Cultural Events ...
published: 31 Mar 2018
Universal Kabbalah Series - Part 8 - Geburah & Chesed - Severity & Mercy - The Individuality
In this eighth video on the Universal Kabbalah, Dr. Theresa Bullard, an International Instructor and Kabbalah Teacher for the Modern Mystery School, introduces the realm of Individuality and deeper aspects of the soul, known as Geburah and Chesed. The name Geburah translates to Severity or Power, and it refers to the inner warrior of your soul that gives you courage, discipline, strength and the discernment needed to wield your power justly. Balancing this on the other pillar is Chesed, which means Mercy or Love or Majesty. Chesed is the compassionate self that is giving, forgiving, wants to be in service to a higher cause, and is aligning with the Will to do Good. There are many deep teachings and mysteries revealed when you ascend into this level of the Tree, where you come into contact ...
published: 01 Aug 2016
Friendship Bracelets with string kabbalah red Lucky bracelet Amulet 7 Knots macrame nudo franciscano
Friendship Bracelets with string kabbalah red Lucky bracelet Amulet 7 Knots macrame nudo franciscano
DIY Bracelet Lucky red string bracelet Kabbalah Amulet 7 Knots Protection Rope man or women tutorial.
Make your own bracelet. How to make string bracelet easy.
Pulseras de la amistad con hilo Kabbalah rojo Pulsera de la suerte Amuleto 7 nudos macramé nudo franciscano
Pulsera DIY Pulsera de hilo roja Lucky Amuleto Kabbalah 7 Nudos Protección hilo hombre o mujer tutorial.
Haz tu propia pulsera. Cómo hacer que la pulsera de hilo fácil.
制作自己的手镯。 如何使弦手链容易。
published: 03 May 2019
FOR BEST RESULTS: Use Stereo Headphones.
KABBALAH CHANTS: Awakening the Tree of Life Within - A Healing Meditation Series – The Complete Set
12 tracks with kabbalistic poems & music for the journey of ascending the Tree of Life
11 meditation tracks with binaural brainwave entrainment, divine name chants, and specially tuned music for each sephirah
1 introduction track about this series and how to best use it
1 devotional prayer track
All together consisting of over 4.5h of music and 5 GB of transformative Content.
Each album in this 11-part series is specially tuned to musical frequencies, sound-scape, and divine names that capture the essence of each Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Each album focuses on a different part of the Tree of Life, starting from Ma...
published: 16 Feb 2019
Qual A Diferença Entre Outros Métodos Espirituais e a Cabala? - Pergunte Ao Cabalista
Algumas das perguntas colocadas neste episódio
"Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra que as pessoas não querem aceitar? Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra difícil para tantos? "
"Há pessoas na Terra que têm tanta inclinação do mal nelas que não há chance que alguma vez possam ser corrigidas, ou há sempre uma chance para alguém que consiga achar a Cabala e começar a fazer correcções? "
Descubra como a Cabala responde a todas as perguntas que temos na vida, das nossas experiências pessoais, pela nossa sociedade humana, à estrutura e propósito ou realidade.
Você está convidado a fazer perguntas e as ter respondidas no programa pelo Cabalista Dr. Michael Laitman. o maior arquivo do mundo em Cabala www.kabbalahmedia.info
published: 07 Jun 2012
Bring It On: Kabbalah - CBN.com
Should I confront my husband about his viewing pornography? What is Kabbalah? Is there more than one heaven? .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://ww...
Should I confront my husband about his viewing pornography? What is Kabbalah? Is there more than one heaven? .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
Should I confront my husband about his viewing pornography? What is Kabbalah? Is there more than one heaven? .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
- published: 01 Jun 2010
- views: 13405
How did Kabbalah Begin? Brief History of Jewish Mysticism
Some say Kabbalah goes all the way back to the beginning of time. Others say the first century. Here, we present a historical viewpoint of it going back to the ...
Some say Kabbalah goes all the way back to the beginning of time. Others say the first century. Here, we present a historical viewpoint of it going back to the thirteenth century in northern Spain, and how its influence has continued to shape Judaism today.
SUBSCRIBE to BimBam [http://www.youtube.com/bimbam]
SIGN UP to our email newsletter to get educational content delivered to your inbox every week: http://bit.ly/2dyXrG3
BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages. Watch something Jewish at https://www.bimbam.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heybimbam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heybimbam
We are a nonprofit organization and would love your support to continue creating engaging and educational content. If you like our videos support us here: https://www.bimbam.com/donate/
Some say Kabbalah goes all the way back to the beginning of time. Others say the first century. Here, we present a historical viewpoint of it going back to the thirteenth century in northern Spain, and how its influence has continued to shape Judaism today.
SUBSCRIBE to BimBam [http://www.youtube.com/bimbam]
SIGN UP to our email newsletter to get educational content delivered to your inbox every week: http://bit.ly/2dyXrG3
BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages. Watch something Jewish at https://www.bimbam.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heybimbam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heybimbam
We are a nonprofit organization and would love your support to continue creating engaging and educational content. If you like our videos support us here: https://www.bimbam.com/donate/
- published: 14 Mar 2019
- views: 390043
Información Importante:
Esta es una producción audiovisual única en su género. Le llevará a través de las específicas características de su signo, relacionándo...
Información Importante:
Esta es una producción audiovisual única en su género. Le llevará a través de las específicas características de su signo, relacionándolos con la inmensa sabiduría y el poder de la astrología. Este viaje a través del camino de la astrología no se limita sólo a la sabiduría universal de las estrellas, sino que incluye otras tradiciones vitales como el Tarot, la Cábala, la Alquimia, Yoga Chacras y Mitología.
Suscribete a nuestro canal: http://bit.ly/2odPGHP
Siguenos en nuestras redes:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PirosDigital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PirosDigital
Copyright © 2017, Piros Digital
Información Importante:
Esta es una producción audiovisual única en su género. Le llevará a través de las específicas características de su signo, relacionándolos con la inmensa sabiduría y el poder de la astrología. Este viaje a través del camino de la astrología no se limita sólo a la sabiduría universal de las estrellas, sino que incluye otras tradiciones vitales como el Tarot, la Cábala, la Alquimia, Yoga Chacras y Mitología.
Suscribete a nuestro canal: http://bit.ly/2odPGHP
Siguenos en nuestras redes:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PirosDigital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PirosDigital
Copyright © 2017, Piros Digital
- published: 13 Apr 2016
- views: 246501
Jewish Mysticism Explained | Exploring Kabbalah
Was Adam, the first human in the Hebrew Bible, the first mystic? Why does tradition hold that one should not study Jewish mysticism -- known as Kabbalah-- unti...
Was Adam, the first human in the Hebrew Bible, the first mystic? Why does tradition hold that one should not study Jewish mysticism -- known as Kabbalah-- until age 40? Where were the centers of Jewish mystical teaching before the city of Safed in the northern mountains of Israel rose to become the hub of Kabbalah in the 15th century? Learn the answers to these questions, as well as how Kabbalah took root in Jewish life and culture, in the first episode of the AIB series, "Exploring Kabbalah."
******Purchase this program and many others here: https://www.aibtv.com/shopaib/ *********
****** Be sure to follow AIB on social media! *******
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/watchaibtv/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/watchaibtv/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/watchaibtv
Was Adam, the first human in the Hebrew Bible, the first mystic? Why does tradition hold that one should not study Jewish mysticism -- known as Kabbalah-- until age 40? Where were the centers of Jewish mystical teaching before the city of Safed in the northern mountains of Israel rose to become the hub of Kabbalah in the 15th century? Learn the answers to these questions, as well as how Kabbalah took root in Jewish life and culture, in the first episode of the AIB series, "Exploring Kabbalah."
******Purchase this program and many others here: https://www.aibtv.com/shopaib/ *********
****** Be sure to follow AIB on social media! *******
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/watchaibtv/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/watchaibtv/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/watchaibtv
- published: 28 Jun 2018
- views: 606798
Music Playlist for the 2018 World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey, May 3-6
Interactive online Kabbalah course that will unlock your reality!
Register now http://bit.ly/2L40cLl
00:00 - We Are the People
03:55 - Message
06:51 - Learnin...
Interactive online Kabbalah course that will unlock your reality!
Register now http://bit.ly/2L40cLl
00:00 - We Are the People
03:55 - Message
06:51 - Learning to Unite
10:17 - Open Your Eyes
13:57 - Light and Love
17:32 - Rak Nitsotz (Only a Spark)
21:19 - It's All One
25:22 - Ascending the Ladder
28:23 - Home
32:36 - Unidos
35:44 - Kodem ba Ahava (First Comes Love)
39:33 - Hine Ma Tov (2016 Kabbalah NJ congress)
41:52 - Completing the Circle
45:37 - 10 in Between
48:32 - Con - Gli - Amici
52:48 - Hey Hey
55:28 - Un Solo Corazon
59:23 - Ray of Light
1:02:21 - Vamonos Todos Juntos
1:04:52 - Tous Pour Lun
1:08:37 - Here We Are
1:12:00 - What's the Meaning of Life?
►Play it on Soundcloud:
About Music and Cultural Events at a World Kabbalah Convention:
In addition to the intensively focused atmosphere of lessons and workshops at a World Kabbalah Convention, comes the cultural events, including music, films and/or comedic theatrical performances in the spirit of connection.
Many different kinds of people relate differently to the cultural events: You’re free to participate either as a performer in these events, as there are often very freestyle events where friends bring their own instruments or use their own voice to add to a common atmosphere; or you can join in by singing and dancing; or you can simply stay on the side and speak with others while the event carries on.
However, the general atmosphere of cultural events is that they aim to involve everyone, and although they might look like just another song and dance on the outside, they, as with everything in this method, are a means for inner work. For example, if I have resistance to singing and dancing, then I’ll find myself up against an inner enemy that I’ll confront at the cultural evening, so while everyone seemingly lightheadedly sings, dances, smiles and has a good time, I’ll be there confronting my inner criticism of the event. It thus turns into being a place where we confront our ego. Also, on the contrary: I might be very extroverted, and love singing and dancing, and might genuinely have a great time with all this, and then I need to do the inner work, that while I’m in all this pleasure, I start examining myself: “Wait, I’m at a spiritual convention. I didn’t come here just to pass time fun. Where’s the spirituality? Where’s this higher connection I came here to find?” … and these wheels are set into motion by the fact that underneath the external atmosphere of a happy connection, the surrounding light is acting, and we undergo serious scrutinies during these events.
Follow Kabbalah.info:
Official Website ► http://www.kabbalah.info
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/kabbalahinfo
Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/kabbalahinfo
Instagram ► https://instagram.com/kabbalah.info
Google+ ► http://plus.google.com/+kabbalahinfo
Pinterest ► http://www.pinterest.com/kabbalahedu
Tumblr ► http://kabbalahedu.tumblr.com #kabbalahinfo
Interactive online Kabbalah course that will unlock your reality!
Register now http://bit.ly/2L40cLl
00:00 - We Are the People
03:55 - Message
06:51 - Learning to Unite
10:17 - Open Your Eyes
13:57 - Light and Love
17:32 - Rak Nitsotz (Only a Spark)
21:19 - It's All One
25:22 - Ascending the Ladder
28:23 - Home
32:36 - Unidos
35:44 - Kodem ba Ahava (First Comes Love)
39:33 - Hine Ma Tov (2016 Kabbalah NJ congress)
41:52 - Completing the Circle
45:37 - 10 in Between
48:32 - Con - Gli - Amici
52:48 - Hey Hey
55:28 - Un Solo Corazon
59:23 - Ray of Light
1:02:21 - Vamonos Todos Juntos
1:04:52 - Tous Pour Lun
1:08:37 - Here We Are
1:12:00 - What's the Meaning of Life?
►Play it on Soundcloud:
About Music and Cultural Events at a World Kabbalah Convention:
In addition to the intensively focused atmosphere of lessons and workshops at a World Kabbalah Convention, comes the cultural events, including music, films and/or comedic theatrical performances in the spirit of connection.
Many different kinds of people relate differently to the cultural events: You’re free to participate either as a performer in these events, as there are often very freestyle events where friends bring their own instruments or use their own voice to add to a common atmosphere; or you can join in by singing and dancing; or you can simply stay on the side and speak with others while the event carries on.
However, the general atmosphere of cultural events is that they aim to involve everyone, and although they might look like just another song and dance on the outside, they, as with everything in this method, are a means for inner work. For example, if I have resistance to singing and dancing, then I’ll find myself up against an inner enemy that I’ll confront at the cultural evening, so while everyone seemingly lightheadedly sings, dances, smiles and has a good time, I’ll be there confronting my inner criticism of the event. It thus turns into being a place where we confront our ego. Also, on the contrary: I might be very extroverted, and love singing and dancing, and might genuinely have a great time with all this, and then I need to do the inner work, that while I’m in all this pleasure, I start examining myself: “Wait, I’m at a spiritual convention. I didn’t come here just to pass time fun. Where’s the spirituality? Where’s this higher connection I came here to find?” … and these wheels are set into motion by the fact that underneath the external atmosphere of a happy connection, the surrounding light is acting, and we undergo serious scrutinies during these events.
Follow Kabbalah.info:
Official Website ► http://www.kabbalah.info
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/kabbalahinfo
Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/kabbalahinfo
Instagram ► https://instagram.com/kabbalah.info
Google+ ► http://plus.google.com/+kabbalahinfo
Pinterest ► http://www.pinterest.com/kabbalahedu
Tumblr ► http://kabbalahedu.tumblr.com #kabbalahinfo
- published: 31 Mar 2018
- views: 6475
Universal Kabbalah Series - Part 8 - Geburah & Chesed - Severity & Mercy - The Individuality
In this eighth video on the Universal Kabbalah, Dr. Theresa Bullard, an International Instructor and Kabbalah Teacher for the Modern Mystery School, introduces ...
In this eighth video on the Universal Kabbalah, Dr. Theresa Bullard, an International Instructor and Kabbalah Teacher for the Modern Mystery School, introduces the realm of Individuality and deeper aspects of the soul, known as Geburah and Chesed. The name Geburah translates to Severity or Power, and it refers to the inner warrior of your soul that gives you courage, discipline, strength and the discernment needed to wield your power justly. Balancing this on the other pillar is Chesed, which means Mercy or Love or Majesty. Chesed is the compassionate self that is giving, forgiving, wants to be in service to a higher cause, and is aligning with the Will to do Good. There are many deep teachings and mysteries revealed when you ascend into this level of the Tree, where you come into contact with the deeper powers of the Self. In this video, Dr Bullard discusses both the virtues and vices that we encounter within ourselves at this level of the Tree, how it helps us to accomplish our goals, and continue our journey towards self-mastery.
For More Information Visit:
In this eighth video on the Universal Kabbalah, Dr. Theresa Bullard, an International Instructor and Kabbalah Teacher for the Modern Mystery School, introduces the realm of Individuality and deeper aspects of the soul, known as Geburah and Chesed. The name Geburah translates to Severity or Power, and it refers to the inner warrior of your soul that gives you courage, discipline, strength and the discernment needed to wield your power justly. Balancing this on the other pillar is Chesed, which means Mercy or Love or Majesty. Chesed is the compassionate self that is giving, forgiving, wants to be in service to a higher cause, and is aligning with the Will to do Good. There are many deep teachings and mysteries revealed when you ascend into this level of the Tree, where you come into contact with the deeper powers of the Self. In this video, Dr Bullard discusses both the virtues and vices that we encounter within ourselves at this level of the Tree, how it helps us to accomplish our goals, and continue our journey towards self-mastery.
For More Information Visit:
- published: 01 Aug 2016
- views: 6043
Friendship Bracelets with string kabbalah red Lucky bracelet Amulet 7 Knots macrame nudo franciscano
Friendship Bracelets with string kabbalah red Lucky bracelet Amulet 7 Knots macrame nudo franciscano
DIY Bracelet Lucky red string bracelet Kabbalah Amulet 7 Kn...
Friendship Bracelets with string kabbalah red Lucky bracelet Amulet 7 Knots macrame nudo franciscano
DIY Bracelet Lucky red string bracelet Kabbalah Amulet 7 Knots Protection Rope man or women tutorial.
Make your own bracelet. How to make string bracelet easy.
Pulseras de la amistad con hilo Kabbalah rojo Pulsera de la suerte Amuleto 7 nudos macramé nudo franciscano
Pulsera DIY Pulsera de hilo roja Lucky Amuleto Kabbalah 7 Nudos Protección hilo hombre o mujer tutorial.
Haz tu propia pulsera. Cómo hacer que la pulsera de hilo fácil.
制作自己的手镯。 如何使弦手链容易。
أساور الصداقة مع سلسلة الكابالا الأحمر لاكي سوار تميمة 7 عقدة مكرميه
سوار محظوظ سوار سلسلة حمراء تميمة 7 عقدة حماية حبل الرجل أو النساء البرنامج التعليمي.
اصنع سوارك الخاص. كيفية جعل سوار سلسلة سهلة.
Friendship Bracelets with string kabbalah red Lucky bracelet Amulet 7 Knots macrame nudo franciscano
DIY Bracelet Lucky red string bracelet Kabbalah Amulet 7 Knots Protection Rope man or women tutorial.
Make your own bracelet. How to make string bracelet easy.
Pulseras de la amistad con hilo Kabbalah rojo Pulsera de la suerte Amuleto 7 nudos macramé nudo franciscano
Pulsera DIY Pulsera de hilo roja Lucky Amuleto Kabbalah 7 Nudos Protección hilo hombre o mujer tutorial.
Haz tu propia pulsera. Cómo hacer que la pulsera de hilo fácil.
制作自己的手镯。 如何使弦手链容易。
أساور الصداقة مع سلسلة الكابالا الأحمر لاكي سوار تميمة 7 عقدة مكرميه
سوار محظوظ سوار سلسلة حمراء تميمة 7 عقدة حماية حبل الرجل أو النساء البرنامج التعليمي.
اصنع سوارك الخاص. كيفية جعل سوار سلسلة سهلة.
- published: 03 May 2019
- views: 6549
FOR BEST RESULTS: Use Stereo Headphones.
KABBALAH CHANTS: Awakening the Tree of Life Within - A Healing Meditation Series – The Complete ...
FOR BEST RESULTS: Use Stereo Headphones.
KABBALAH CHANTS: Awakening the Tree of Life Within - A Healing Meditation Series – The Complete Set
12 tracks with kabbalistic poems & music for the journey of ascending the Tree of Life
11 meditation tracks with binaural brainwave entrainment, divine name chants, and specially tuned music for each sephirah
1 introduction track about this series and how to best use it
1 devotional prayer track
All together consisting of over 4.5h of music and 5 GB of transformative Content.
Each album in this 11-part series is specially tuned to musical frequencies, sound-scape, and divine names that capture the essence of each Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Each album focuses on a different part of the Tree of Life, starting from Malkuth the physical Kingdom and working up, step-by-step to the highest spiritual realms.
Awaken to the sublime energies of the Tree of Life through
432 Hz healing music, divine chants, poems, and meditations.
WARNING: This music contains audio brainwave entrainment technologies. People who are subject to seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental conditions should not listen to this music without first consulting a physician. DO NOT listen to this music while driving, operating heavy machinery, or performing any other activities that require focused attention. Although binaural beats entrainment audio may contribute to wellness, it is not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. No medical claims are intended express or implied. No statements made have been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. For best results, use stereo headphones or earbuds.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Use Stereo Headphones.
KABBALAH CHANTS: Awakening the Tree of Life Within - A Healing Meditation Series – The Complete Set
12 tracks with kabbalistic poems & music for the journey of ascending the Tree of Life
11 meditation tracks with binaural brainwave entrainment, divine name chants, and specially tuned music for each sephirah
1 introduction track about this series and how to best use it
1 devotional prayer track
All together consisting of over 4.5h of music and 5 GB of transformative Content.
Each album in this 11-part series is specially tuned to musical frequencies, sound-scape, and divine names that capture the essence of each Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Each album focuses on a different part of the Tree of Life, starting from Malkuth the physical Kingdom and working up, step-by-step to the highest spiritual realms.
Awaken to the sublime energies of the Tree of Life through
432 Hz healing music, divine chants, poems, and meditations.
WARNING: This music contains audio brainwave entrainment technologies. People who are subject to seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental conditions should not listen to this music without first consulting a physician. DO NOT listen to this music while driving, operating heavy machinery, or performing any other activities that require focused attention. Although binaural beats entrainment audio may contribute to wellness, it is not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. No medical claims are intended express or implied. No statements made have been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. For best results, use stereo headphones or earbuds.
- published: 16 Feb 2019
- views: 35563
Qual A Diferença Entre Outros Métodos Espirituais e a Cabala? - Pergunte Ao Cabalista
Algumas das perguntas colocadas neste episódio
"Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra que as pessoas não querem a...
Algumas das perguntas colocadas neste episódio
"Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra que as pessoas não querem aceitar? Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra difícil para tantos? "
"Há pessoas na Terra que têm tanta inclinação do mal nelas que não há chance que alguma vez possam ser corrigidas, ou há sempre uma chance para alguém que consiga achar a Cabala e começar a fazer correcções? "
Descubra como a Cabala responde a todas as perguntas que temos na vida, das nossas experiências pessoais, pela nossa sociedade humana, à estrutura e propósito ou realidade.
Você está convidado a fazer perguntas e as ter respondidas no programa pelo Cabalista Dr. Michael Laitman. o maior arquivo do mundo em Cabala www.kabbalahmedia.info
Algumas das perguntas colocadas neste episódio
"Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra que as pessoas não querem aceitar? Porque Deus se tornou uma palavra difícil para tantos? "
"Há pessoas na Terra que têm tanta inclinação do mal nelas que não há chance que alguma vez possam ser corrigidas, ou há sempre uma chance para alguém que consiga achar a Cabala e começar a fazer correcções? "
Descubra como a Cabala responde a todas as perguntas que temos na vida, das nossas experiências pessoais, pela nossa sociedade humana, à estrutura e propósito ou realidade.
Você está convidado a fazer perguntas e as ter respondidas no programa pelo Cabalista Dr. Michael Laitman. o maior arquivo do mundo em Cabala www.kabbalahmedia.info
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 1118