- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 68398
A siesta (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈsjesta]) is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Such a period of sleep is a common tradition in some countries, particularly those where the weather is warm.
The siesta is historically common throughout the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. It is the traditional daytime sleep of Spain and, through Spanish influence, the Philippines, and many Hispanic American countries. The word siesta of the Spanish language derives originally from the Latin word hora sexta "sixth hour" (counting from dawn, hence "midday rest"). Siesta is also common in Italy (there called riposo, pisolino), where museums, churches and shops close during midday so that proprietors can go home for a long lunch and perhaps a snooze during the day’s hottest hours. Einhard's Life of Charlemagne recounts the emperor's summertime siesta: "In summer, after his midday meal, he would eat some fruit and take another drink; then he would remove his shoes and undress completely, just as he did at night, and rest for two or three hours."
Siesta - Movie Trailer
Music to Powernap 'Sweet Siesta' by Helen Rhodes
Siesta [10]
Siesta! - Fuerza de Gravedad Absoluta
Siesta Key beach life
Música Instrumental para la Siesta
La Granja No Siesta Gameplay Runthrough
La Granja: No Siesta! Review - with Tom Vasel
► SUSCRÍBETE POR MÁS AQUÍ ►► http://full.sc/M8lFgM Debe escucharse con auriculares estéreos a un volumen bajo que no moleste, casi como un susurro. Con este video dormirás 45 minutos y la sensación que se tiene es cómo si se hubiera dormido 8 horas de sueño reparador. Ideal para estudiantes y personas que necesiten reponer energía después de una jornada agotadora de trabajo. Adiós al insomnio. Son 8 horas de música que incluye protección del Ángel de la Guarda, ondas alfa, tetha, delta y mensajes subliminales que harán Conciliar el Sueño Profundo. Relajación y Meditación. Dormir Profundamente, etc.... Sonidos de la Naturaleza. Dormirás plácidamente y te despertarás con frescura y descanso. El sonido grabe que se escucha son mensajes subliminales que proporcionarán a tu mente descanso y...
"Siesta" ~ Movie Trailer Directed By Mary Lambert Starring: Ellen Barkin, Gabriel Byrne, Jodie Foster, Grace Jones, & Martin Sheen.
Sweet Siesta by Helen Rhodes published by NorthStar Music Publishing Ltd. Music available on itunes, Amazon and emusic or www.northstarmusic.co.uk/lifestylemusic. Getting enough sleep is vital for health and productivity. According to new studies, nothing tunes up mind and body like a good nap. But there is an art to catching the right amount of z's; this art is called powernapping. The music of Powernap has been especially researched to find chordal patterns and sounds that actually encourage deep relaxation and help you to sink into a short restful sleep out of which you will be gently awoken by a soothing voice. The music will aid slowing down your respiration, your brain activity, your eye and jaw-muscle movement so you can embark on a restorative nap from which you will re-emerge fe...
Siesta is a rather unusual love story kind of film clad in Miles Davis haunting music score. Marcus Miller has also put his stamp and Ellen Barkin is simply superb. A sight for sore eyes. So is Gabriel Byrne for the ladies I would think. This is part 8 and I hope I will upload the rest of the film soon.
"Fuerza de Gravedad Absoluta" (Sonido Muchacho / Ayo Silver, 2015). Vídeo de "Fuerza de Gravedad Absoluta" por Carmen Gray. http://open.spotify.com/album/74hbkUtCn3GdfYCZEKJJwR https://siestaeslafiesta.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/SonidoMuchacho https://www.sonidomuchacho.com Todas las canciones compuestas por Siesta! el año 2014. Grabadas y mezcladas por Carlos Toronado en La Zona Temporalmente Autónoma de Torrijos. Masterizado por Bernando Calvo en Studio B. Jonathan Cremades y Pepe Ábalos: Bases, sintetizadores, percusión, bajo, guitarra y voces. El diseño de la portada es obra del colectivo YES gracias a Jägermusic.
He creado este vídeo con el Editor de vídeo de YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor). Música Instrumental de fondo que estimula los sentidos y te ayuda a pensar. Desconecta del mundo por un momento con estos vídeos de música relajante Online.
A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame La Granja: The Dice Game – No Siesta!. For more game info, https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/195528/la-granja-dice-game-no-siesta Part I: Gameplay Runthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N_8cVcNw9E Part II: Final Thoughts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXTUa8WOEWA ----------------- Hey Everybody! Today Paulo Runs Through "Rahdo's Goofs" If you find Goofs I didn’t notice Please leave Timestamps :) Thank You 2:08 Actually, the way Richard explained and is going to play is a Variant to the Normal Rules... The normal rules are equal in 2, 3 or 4 player games, this is a variant for experienced 2P that can increase the playing time, it can be used for 3 and 4P games too but it's not recommended because it will make the game be much long...
Tom Vasel takes a look at La Granja: No Siesta! BGG link here: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/195528/la-granja-dice-game-no-siesta Find great tables here! https://www.rathskellers.com/ Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
Al mio paese
quando il sole
picchia sulle case
tutta la gente chiude gli occhi
e chiude le persiane
quando e’ l’ ora della siesta
? festa per me
invece di dormire
io vado a passeggiare
da solo col mio amore
al mio paese
quando il sole
picchia sulle case
noi ci baciamo in piazza
come fosse mezzanotte
l’ aria bianca trema e brucia
ma se mi parla lei
mi sento rinfrescare
mi sembra di volare
di stare in riva al mare
mi regala ciliegie e lilla’
rubati ai cancelli
e mi poggia corone di baci
intorno ai capelli
come un re e una regina
noi traversiamo la citta’
pero’ la gente non lo sa
al mio paese
quando il sole
picchia sulle case
tutta la gente chiude gli occhi
e chiude le persiane
quando e’ l ‘ora della siesta
? festa per me
invece di dormire
io vado a passeggiare
da solo col mio amore
mi regala ciliegie e lilla’
rubati ai cancelli
e mi poggia corone di baci
intorno ai capelli
come un re e una regina
noi traversiamo la citta’
pero’ la gente non lo sa
al mio paese
la gente non lo sa
al mio paese
la gente non lo sa…oi ..oi..oi
la gente non lo sa …oi..oi..oi
oi me mbe’ oi me mbe’
oi me mbe’ oi me mbe’( etc..)