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CopyLeft and Open Source Center >> Sorted by Authors >> Aladdin Enterprises

Aladdin Enterprises

CopyLeft and Open Source Licenses

... (i) Posting the Program on a public access information storage and retrieval service for which a fee is received for retrieving information (such as an on-line service), provided that the fee is not content-dependent (i.e., the fee would be the same for retrieving the same volume of information consisting of random data) and that access to the service and to the Program is available independent of any other product or service. An example of a service that does not fall under this section is an...

--Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL), Version 9. (Paragraph 16.)


List of Licenses

Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)


Note: A license being listed in the Copyleft and Open Source Center does not mean it is endorsed. These licenses are provided as a reference to encourage and promote the Open Source movement. Nothing within these pages should be considered as legal advice.

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