Tag: video

Filming in Bahrain, dodging the hostility of permissions

Filming in Bahrain, dodging the hostility of permissions

11 Oct, '150 Comments

Filming in Bahrain is not always fun. Almost every time we go to film in cultural or a historic venue we get shooed off by a security guard or some other functionary with a perfunctory warning to go get permission first. We get faced with this especially when shooting cultural spots like the Bahrain Fort and […]

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Diving in Bahrain – Final PADI Open Water Diver Certification

Diving in Bahrain – Final PADI Open Water Diver Certification

23 Sep, '152 Comments

What a difference a day makes… On the first open water dive, we could hardly see beyond a meter or two. Just two days after that, the wind had dropped, the swells dissipated and the underwater visibility improved dramatically. This is diving in Bahrain, I’m told. Have a watch of this video to see what […]

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MGS S01E12 – The Nursery, take 2

MGS S01E12 – The Nursery, take 2

3 Nov, '140 Comments

The first attempt this year at a nursery failed and in this video I tell you why. I also take the opportunity to build on that gained experience and start the 2nd version of the nursery. Here’s hoping for the best! Do you have any experiences to share? I’d love to hear from you especially […]

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MGS S01E11 – A Garden and Gardening Update

MGS S01E11 – A Garden and Gardening Update

1 Nov, '140 Comments

This episode is dedicated to my friend Fadi Fallaha who continues to encourage me to continue on with producing these episodes. Thanks Fadi! So here you go, a quick update on the status of the garden after an absence of a couple of weeks due to work commitments. This update contains a gardening status check […]

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MGS S01E10 – Inviting Birds into your Garden

MGS S01E10 – Inviting Birds into your Garden

4 Oct, '140 Comments

There is nothing that brings a garden to life than birds and their chirping and singing and flitting around. We’re blessed to have several varieties who have made our garden their home. To invite them into your garden doesn’t really take too much effort; at the very least, just provide them with water to drink […]

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Full timelapse video of the patio construction

Full timelapse video of the patio construction

9 Sep, '140 Comments

Almanaratain built our patio in the front garden. Here’s the two-day timelapse video of that build. Enjoy and watch the how-to video here. Remember to thumbs up and subscribe on YouTube! Thanks.

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The Sand and Ice Bucket Challenges

The Sand and Ice Bucket Challenges

28 Aug, '143 Comments

Shaming people won’t bring them to your cause, it will actually drive them as far away as possible. This is what I feel the “Sand Bucket Challengers” are doing to the Palestinian cause.

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MGS S01E02 – The Seeds Selection

MGS S01E02 – The Seeds Selection

12 Aug, '140 Comments

Welcome to the second episode of the Mahmood’s Garden Show. In this episode, I discuss probably every gardener’s passion for collecting seeds and plants in general and share with you some of my horde. I also ask for your opinions to help me design my flower beds this season. Feel free to respond to topics […]

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MGS S01E01 – Mahmood’s Garden Show – LAUNCH!

MGS S01E01 – Mahmood’s Garden Show – LAUNCH!

9 Aug, '140 Comments

Here’s my first in a forthcoming series of gardening videos I’m personally producing and creating to share with you my trials and successes in my home garden. In this series, “Mahmood’s Garden” I’ll show you how to get colour back into your garden using annuals. Most of those I’ll cultivate from seed, so you’ll accompany […]

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17 Dec, '124 Comments

When the gun debate rages in the States after the killing of 27 people, mostly children, with the prevailing view to limit guns’ availability, in Bahrain the situation seems to have been reversed, with some people not only having easy access to them, but use them to terrorise others while the normally vocal authorities on […]

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