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November 7, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Defying the Politics of Fear

The major political parties offer us nothing but continued corruption and oppression. A simple act of citizen defiance can be a first step on a road to profound change.


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Robert Scheer and Lizbeth Mateo Explore the Contradictions of U.S. Immigration Policy

In this week’s episode of “Scheer Intelligence,” the Truthdig editor in chief speaks with the lawyer and immigrant-rights activist who self-deported to illuminate the plight of immigrants like herself.
Gage Skidmore / CC-BY-SA

The Enablers Who Helped Donald Trump Do Incalculable Damage to America

The Republican candidate couldn't have eroded the trust and social cohesion the nation depends on without three sets of enablers. They must be held accountable, too.
A/V Booth

In this week’s episode of Joshua Scheer’s podcast, Scheer speaks with Reece Jones, associate professor of geography at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, about Jones’ book, “Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move.”

Last week, hundreds of water protectors were arrested after a clash with police. In the days since, waves of demonstrations have broken out in support of the #NoDAPL movement.

Donald Trump Simply Too Dangerous ‘to Sit This One Out,’ Sanders Says

“I’ve got seven grandchildren. I’ve got four kids. I worry about the future of this planet. I’m not sitting it out. And I hope that my fellow Americans will not sit it out,” the Vermont senator told voters over the weekend.

Whose Finger on the Nuclear Button?

As the U.S. prepares to elect a new president, the threshold at which some party to a non-nuclear conflict may choose to employ atomic weapons appears to be at its lowest in decades.

Southern Spain Will Become a Desert if the Mediterranean Gets Hotter

Should temperatures in the region continue to rise, the dunes of the Sahara will march northward.

Jill Stein: ‘Voters Being Intimidated Into Voting for a Corruption Queen or a Proto-Fascist’ (Video)

Just days before Tuesday’s election, the Green Party presidential nominee expresses her solidarity with an angry electorate looking for alternatives to the failing two-party system at this crucial point in United States history.



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‘Last Week Tonight’ Explains Why We Vote on Tuesdays—and the Answer May Irritate You (Video)

As we try to squeeze voting into our busy schedules Tuesday, the question gnawing at many of our minds may be: “Why today of all days?” Turns out the HBO show’s producers have had the same question.

Podesta Emails: Clinton Advisers Discuss Chelsea’s Wedding Tab and the Need to ‘Crush’ Sanders

Another day, another email debacle for the Clinton campaign, courtesy of WikiLeaks. The weekend brought more than one unwelcome surprise from the trove still being released—just in time for the presidential election.

U.S. Elections Are Being Stolen, but Not in the Way You Might Think

There’s been a good deal of chatter about a “rigged election” in recent months, and that’s not simply trumped-up spin. Corruption of the voting process involves broad restrictions on the power of citizens to choose their leaders.

James Comey: FBI Stands by July Conclusions About Hillary Clinton’s Email, Won’t Recommend Charges

After nine days of turmoil and reports of strife within the bureau’s ranks, Director Comey made yet another announcement Sunday that could impact Tuesday’s presidential election.

How a Former District Attorney Finally Agreed With Activist Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty

Ira Reiner, who served Los Angeles County as D.A. for eight years, and Mike Farrell, president of the board of Death Penalty Focus, have publicly and respectfully debated capital punishment many times over the years. But it wasn’t until now, with the proposed Justice That Works Act of 2016 on the California ballot, that they see eye to eye.



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What’s on Your Ballot? Truthdig’s Voter Guide

Choosing the next president isn’t the only important decision the American electorate has to make in the 2016 election. In this article members of the Truthdig team share their opinions on other key issues.

The Top Five Most Urgent Climate Change Stories That Mainstream Media Suppressed in Election Year

I use the word “suppressed” quite deliberately. Corporate television outlets in the United States are colluding in a cover-up of the threat of global warming—and have specifically blacked out the crisis with regard to the presidential campaign.

Cubs’ New Curse: Being Winners

The players wanted to win the World Series for their fans as much as for themselves. Their success means the days of being “lovable losers”—and having the comfort of baseball fans’ pity—are over.

17 Ballot Initiatives to Watch if You Care About Inequality

Voters in many states will have the opportunity Tuesday to weigh in on a wide variety of inequality-related issues, from taxing the wealthy to tackling price-gouging on drugs.

War Within War: Iraq’s Prime Minister Says ‘We Don’t Want to Fight Turkey, but We’re Ready’

Iraq was alarmed by the announcement by Turk military authorities that they are sending some 30 armored vehicles, tanks and artillery to the Turkish-Iraqi border.

Julian Assange Speaks About Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Election and the Litany of Charges Against Him

In a 25-minute interview, WikiLeaks’ founder gives an analysis of the emails he published from the personal account of John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman), and much more.

America the Ingenious

Truthdig’s Allen Barra speaks with Kevin Baker, author of “America the Ingenious: How a Nation of Dreamers, Immigrants, and Tinkerers Changed the World,” which explores the incredible diversity of inventions and innovations that arose from our country.

Truthdigger of the Week: Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Iceland’s Pirate Party Founder

Her devotion to social change and progressive causes helped her party triple its number of seats in the country’s recent parliamentary elections.

With Voting Rights Protections Gutted, Polling Places Have Been Shuttered on a ‘Massive Scale’

The closures “are a particularly common and pernicious tactic for disenfranchising voters of color,” says a report from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

Arctic Ocean Could Be Ice-Free Before Midcentury

By 2050, humans will have added enough carbon dioxide to earth’s atmosphere to melt all the Arctic’s sea ice, researchers predict.

How the Left Should Approach Life After the Election, With Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in Charge

No matter who wins the presidency, the work of the electorate doesn’t end after voting. Leftists must continue to build strong social movements and engage in the day-to-day, bottom-up politics beyond the major-party carnival.