Kick boxing mum-to-be still working out at 39 weeks

Caley Reece does not think pregnancy is an excuse to stop training.
Caley Reece does not think pregnancy is an excuse to stop training. Photo: Instagram

Lots of pregnant women are struggling to get of the couch as they near their baby's due date, but not Caley Reece.

The six time world champion Muay Thai kickboxer is still training hard - albeit with an workout routine, adapted for pregnancy. 

The super fit Australian mum-to-be posted a video on her Facebook page last week showing her in the gym at 39 weeks pregnant.

"Potentially the last time I hit pads with ma belly," she wrote when posting the video. 

"There's so much I can't do ... but that doesn't mean I have to give up. It simply means, I make do with what I have.

"There is no more danger here than there is power walking or twisting in a pool ...

"Don't stop what you love. There's always ways around everything."

"People keep asking me how Im still training," Caley wrote when sharing another training video earlier this month.

"It's a simple answer right now ... I don't have an excuse not to. It takes a reason, not an excuse, and if I don't have a reason, then thats not good enough for me. With the movements I have left, I feel completely fine and everything is done with rest time."


Caley has spoken in the past about people criticising her for working out while pregnant. 

In a recent interview with photographer Bek Heaton she said such criticism was inevitable and she did not let it bother her.

"To be honest with you, when you have been successful in something, you have to develop thick skin because no matter how well you do, there will always be people trying to pull you down," she said.

"So the comments don't bother me. Pregnancy is not an illness or sickness. It's not a reason to stop living. It's a reason to start looking after yourself.

"You are creating life so you need to be in good mental and physical condition. If not for yourself, then for your new addition."