Register for Policy Conference 2017
Register for Policy Conference 2017
Register for Policy Conference 2017
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  • View recent AIPAC memos, press
    releases and other publications.
  • AIPAC's comprehensive news feed is updated regularly with articles, memos and feature stories.
  • AIPAC empowers pro-Israel activists across all ages, religions and races to be politically engaged and build relationships with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to promote the U.S.-Israel relationship.
  • Each year, hundreds of American leaders experience Israel firsthand with AIPAC's charitable affiliate, the American Israel Education Foundation.
  • The AIPAC Policy Conference is the largest gathering of the pro-Israel movement. Thousands from all 50 states come to participate in "three of the most important days affecting Israel's future."
  • Learn about the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions threat from foreign governments and what the United States can do to combat state-led economic warfare against Israel.
  • AIPAC student activists from across the country share their connection to Israel, and talk about their work on campus to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship.
  • AIPAC activist Peter Villegas shares his connection to Israel and his work to encourage other Hispanic American leaders to get involved in pro-Israel politics.
  • With America’s support, Israel has developed a multi-layered missile defense shield to keep its citizens safe from rocket attacks.
  • The U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act lays the foundation for expanded U.S.-Israel cooperation in defense, intelligence, homeland security, cyber security, energy, water, agriculture, and more.

  • In September 2015, Congress opposed the profoundly flawed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by bipartisan majorities in both houses. Nonetheless, the nuclear deal with Iran will be implemented and the United States must now maintain constant vigilance to ensure Iranian compliance.
  • In response to the recent wave of Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting Israelis, members of Congress from both parties are speaking out in support of the Jewish state and calling on the Palestinian leadership to stop inciting violence and to act to prevent terrorism.
  • Urge Congress to pass the U.S.-Israel Trade Enhancement Act of 2015 to combat the rising tide of international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.
  • On Feb. 2, President Obama submitted his budget for fiscal year 2016, including $3.1 billion in security assistance for Israel. During a time of tremendous turmoil in the Middle East, American aid is a vital to ensure that the Jewish state maintains its qualitative military edge over its adversaries. Congress should continue to support crucial security assistance to Israel.