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Palestine and Zionism

Kibush: Occupation Magazine
Alternative Information Center
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
B'Tselem: Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Al-Haq: Defending Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Association for Civil Rights in Israel
ICAHD: Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
Monitoring Israeli Colonization Activities
Yesh Din: Volunteers for Human Rights
Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual
International Middle East Media Center
Middle East Monitor
Middle East Online
IMEU: Institute for Middle East Understanding
MERIP: Middle East Research & Information Project
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
The Media Line: MidEast News Source
Ma'an News Agency
Palestine News Network
WAFA: Palestine News Agency
War in Context
Peace Now
Gush Shalom: Israeli Peace Bloc
Ta'ayush: Arab Jewish Partnership
Combatants for Peace
Stop The Wall
Who Profits? Expsoing the Israeli Occupation Industry
Free Gaza Movement
Palestine Media Watch
Palestine Note
Palestine Telegraph
Electronic Intifada
Intifada: Voice of Palestine
Palestine Remembered: al-Nakba, 1948
Palestine Justice Network
BADIL: Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
GISHA: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
Gaza Gateway: Facts and Analysis About the Crossings
International Solidarity Movement
Boycott Israel: Call from Within
Global BDS Movement: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
PACBI: Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Breaking the Silence: Israeli veterans speak
US Palestinian Community Network
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Jewish Voice for Peace
American Jews for a Just Peace
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
One Democratic State Group
The Dispossession of the Palestinians: An Historical Outline

Anti-Semitism and Fascism

Searchlight Magazine: Against Racism and Fascism
Anti-Racist Action
Southern Poverty Law Center
Antifascist Calling...
Three-Way Fight
The Third Camp
Contested Terrain
Meldungen aus dem Exil
Left Antisemitism

Global Jewish Culture

Jewish Virtual Library (pro-Zionist)
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (semi-official)
European Jewish Press
Jewish World Review
Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture
Heeb magazine: the New Jew Review
Jewcy — Judeo-hipsters with attitude
JewSchool: Progressive Jewish News & Views
Jewish Currents
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (New York)
Workmen's Circle / Arbeter Ring (New York)
NYC Muslim Jewish Solidarity Committee
Progressive Jewish Alliance (California)
Center for Jewish Nonviolence (anti-occupation)
Jews sans frontieres (anti-Zionist)
Tony Greenstein's Blog (anti-Zionist)
MondoWeiss (anti-Zionist, sometimes problematic)
Bundist Movement
Judíos Anti-Sionistas en España
Bechol Lashon
The Lone Jew
Home Shalom
The Third Way
Jewish Multicultural Project
Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture
JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa
Failed Messiah: covering Orthodox Judaism since 2004
The Book of Doctrines and Opinions
Religious Intelligence
Bartholomew's notes on religion

DISCLAIMER: A link on this page by no means should be construed as an endorsement. Many of these websites we support; some we definitely do not. 
All are interesting and/or useful.