Thought for the day 3 November 2016

The angles used by astrologers are divined by plotting the positions of the planets, and studying the shapes made by the planetary relationships. A trine dissects the heavens into thirds, while a sextile divides it by twice as much. Though the energy of these angles is related, a trine is an opportunity that requires seizing; whereas today's Mercury-Pluto sextile is more pro-active. It may not be quite as impressive on the surface, yet it actively encourages us to transform the way we think and communicate.

When Jonathan spoke into a microphone his power and his talent were at their greatest. Part astrologer, part analyst, part motivational speaker, he would speak without notes and without edits making each spoken forecast a small work of art - and of course 'spookily accurate'! You can hear what he had to say for you about November in your month ahead video forecast. It's only available on the 5 Star Service and it's FREE. No commitment - no credit card. Plus you'll start getting the amazing ASTRO-ALERTS too. All you have to do is sign up with your email address here


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Recently, I used the phrase 'guardian angel'. Perhaps I should apologise. You like tangible realities. Airy-fairy notions can annoy you. What proof is there that angels exist - far less that such entities will protect us? Such things are a matter of faith, and you don't want to be dependent on such an abstract, ethereal idea. With Mercury and Pluto's link, and Venus soon in harmony with Uranus, if you don't want to trust in Heaven, trust yourself. But make sure you find trust of some kind now. It will carry you forward. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Of all the superheroes my son is obsessed with, Batman is my favourite. Unlike the rest, he hasn't been bitten by radioactive insects or arrived as a child from a dying planet. He's just an ordinary human, who has honed his skills. And, of course, he's harnessed the power of imagination and image. He's taken his fear of bats and made them his strength, using it to prey upon the insecurities of ne'er-do-wells he brings to justice. How can you be heroic now? Start by realising that a deep anxiety is not nearly as worrisome as it appears. Want to hear what's coming your way for November on the 5 Star Service... and start receiving your personal Astro-Alerts too? For now, it's completely FREE, with no commitment and no credit card. It only takes a few seconds. Apply now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Can you try to learn to like someone - or something? Why, of course, it's possible! Think of acquired tastes. When we've learnt to like a food or a kind of music that we once didn't enjoy, we end up gaining more from it than we derive from things that might come more naturally to us. With Mercury and Pluto encouraging you now, you need to look beyond your first impressions. With Venus soon linking to Uranus, you may find your tastes changing. Don't throw something away if you'll only want to retrieve it later! To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you need a full personal horoscope report. Change your future... change your life with an amazingly accurate personal report now!


Apr 21 - May 21


Slow-motion is wonderful. There are many videos online of everyday events, recorded on high-speed cameras and replayed at a fraction of the speed. My favourite is a cymbal being struck. The images show the metal warping and vibrating in ways that seem to defy physics. And yet this is, in fact, the depiction of physics at work. Life is currently asking you to slow down a little. Hardly a reason to feel despondent. You're about to discover how a more ponderous pace will allow you to sustain a fleeting pleasure. Want to hear what's coming your way for November on the 5 Star Service... and start receiving your personal Astro-Alerts too? For now, it's completely FREE, with no commitment and no credit card. It only takes a few seconds. Apply now!


May 22 - June 22


Think of powerful people. Even the most scary authority figures took their first steps in nappies. They laughed when they were tickled, cuddled their teddy bears and cried until they were comforted. You know what? Inside each one of them, to this very day, there's still a tiny child. With that in mind, here is a question. Who are you feeling intimidated by? And why might that be? As Mercury links from Saturn to Pluto, and the Moon conjuncts Venus, if you send out innocence and sincerity today, it will be returned. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


They say that trust has to be earned. But surely if it's earned, then it's no longer trust? If we wait until someone demonstrates the behaviour we require again and again, we enter the realm of expectation. Trust requires faith - the knowledge that someone has you in their thoughts, knowing you're relying on them, and that they're trying not to let you down. You yearn to trust someone who seems beyond your control. But, if you truly wish to find a place in their heart, you must let them prove they're worth a risk. Want to hear what's coming your way for November on the 5 Star Service... and start receiving your personal Astro-Alerts too? For now, it's completely FREE, with no commitment and no credit card. It only takes a few seconds. Apply now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


If you can't have what you want, try wanting what you can have. That's good advice, even if it might seem a little defeatist. We could argue that more people would fulfil their ambitions if they weren't so easily persuaded to swap them for easier, more attainable, aspirations. Where should you draw the line now? As the Sun makes a tense link to Jupiter, what distinction should you make between realism and idealism? I can only tell you that the only way you're ever going to end up with the best, is if you allow yourself to want it. To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you need a full personal horoscope report. Change your future... change your life with an amazingly accurate personal report now!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Where are your pickaxe and your pan? Have you got your compass, tent and map? I ask because, if you're going to act like an intellectual gold prospector, you may as well try the real thing. If you're anything like as successful as you can now be philosophically, then you'll strike it rich! Maybe not. These days, gold rushes are few and far between. Yet you can still put your knack for nugget detection to good use. Sift through the information you encounter today. There's something precious to be mined from this seam. Want to hear what's coming your way for November on the 5 Star Service... and start receiving your personal Astro-Alerts too? For now, it's completely FREE, with no commitment and no credit card. It only takes a few seconds. Apply now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


There must be some food you can't stand. Or some popular music that offends your ears. Are you right to like what you like? Are others wrong to prefer their tastes? We can't say such things. Tastes are personal. I mention this because I need to ask you if you'd rush to eat at a restaurant that served the kind of food you couldn't abide? Don't feel pressured into exploring options that are unappealing. As Mercury and Pluto link, they're encouraging you to make choices guided by your true preferences. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Where's the line between encouragement and manipulation? When does persuasion turn into Machiavellian power play? Is it always bad when it does? What if the motivation is noble? What if the puppet-master has no desire to profit, but simply has the well-being of the puppets at heart? Surely then, we can forgive a few mirrors and the odd puff of smoke? It's a delicate balance to tread. You need to be careful that in trying to help, you don't leave someone helpless. Yet you can still shed light on a dark situation today. Want to hear what's coming your way for November on the 5 Star Service... and start receiving your personal Astro-Alerts too? For now, it's completely FREE, with no commitment and no credit card. It only takes a few seconds. Apply now!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Terrible mistakes are made in the name of progress. People get carried away with the idea that all change must be good. They mess with arrangements that work perfectly well, and then have to spend ages compensating for the new problems they create. I mention this because I don't want you to think I am giving you today's advice in an offhand manner. As Venus, in your sign, prepares to link to Uranus this weekend, when I say that something in your world can be changed dramatically for the better, I mean it! To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you need a full personal horoscope report. Change your future... change your life with an amazingly accurate personal report now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


It's important to have friends and not just acquaintances. Those who don't know us well, will turn a blind eye to mischief. But friends can make a distinction between how we're acting and who we are, and then challenge our behaviour. Sometimes we need challenging, we need to know when we're crossing the line of unacceptable behaviour. It may not make for comfortable listening, but it's how we evolve. Listen to the encouragement from your closest companions. They can help you transform and grow. Want to hear what's coming your way for November on the 5 Star Service... and start receiving your personal Astro-Alerts too? For now, it's completely FREE, with no commitment and no credit card. It only takes a few seconds. Apply now!