Thought for the day 28 October 2016

The solar system's fiery instigator, Mars, makes a spiky angle to the cosmos's electric revolutionary Uranus soon. If this were a song it would be the 1996 hit Firestarter by The Prodigy, which caused quite a controversy in its time. It was feared it would incite Britain to burn in a wave of youthful pyromania. The UK, though, remains reassuringly damp! This weekend you may be feeling the need to act out, break away, and charge forward. Just try not to burn too many bridges in the process!

It's nearly Halloween, so what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Jan 21 - Feb 19


If you don't ever start, you can't ever finish. If you don't ever finish, you can't ever start again. Endings and beginnings are scary. The longer we postpone them, the less challenge we have to contend with. You're not sure how much of yourself to give to a new opportunity. What if the outcome is more than a little too decisive? It's a risk worth taking. As Mars links to your co-ruler Uranus, and Venus conjuncts the other, your future beckons you. Follow it and follow your heart too; both forces are leading you in the same direction. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Feb 20 - Mar 20


I'm currently listening to Pisces, one of a series of orchestral works representing the zodiac signs. As its melody gently rises and falls, it does seem to represent the dreamy, compassionate side that many Pisceans exhibit. Of course, there's more to you than that, but this weekend, you should embrace your truest self. Life asks you to make commitments, channel your heart and step forward focused and determined. Don't lose sight of who you are in the process. It's the part of you that makes everything so worthwhile. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Mar 21 - Apr 20


There's nothing ordinary about this weekend's astrological events. Mars, your ruler, links to Uranus, and Venus converges with Saturn all under the influence of a New Moon. It doesn't follow, though, that some enormous drama has to be enacted. But a development is about to make a very big difference. Yet the development itself may be surprisingly small. The dawn of a new idea or a subtle realisation. Be open to the idea that a seed planted in your heart, could grow in time into a whole forest. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Apr 21 - May 21


One piece of chocolate's all you're going to get. I know you've had your eye on the whole bar. And you've been saving room for a treat, but you can't be greedy. In fact you can't even be indulgent. You'll get what you're getting and be grateful. Actually I'm not here to say that! After all, when you see something you like, you don't want anyone to get in the way, let alone your astrologer! You can have whatever you like this weekend. Just be sensible and avoid the effects of having too much of whatever you fancy. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


May 22 - June 22


'A caricature is putting the face of a joke on the body of a truth.' So said novelist Joseph Conrad. We all create caricatures when we think about others. We exaggerate their tendencies, overplay our expectations of them - and form somewhat unfair opinions. Suddenly we find that, instead of seeing the person, we see only the picture we've painted. The Venus-Saturn conjunction in your opposite sign, and your ruler's link to Neptune, say it's now time to appreciate a more in-depth definition of something, or someone. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Jun 23 - Jul 23


They say 'curiosity killed the cat'. Perhaps it's the new kitten, currently perching on my knee who brings this proverb to mind. Yet the uncurious mind is hardly a safe one. After all, it's the inquisitive among us who have achieved our greatest advances. We have inquiring minds to thank for both the eradication of smallpox and the invention of the toasted sandwich maker. Surely curiosity is just a variation of creativity... a strength of yours, which is about to get a healthy boost. Feline or human, you've nothing to fear from that! And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Jul 24 - Aug 23


There's a famous New York joke. A tourist asks a busker for directions. The tourist says, 'How do I get to Carnegie Hall?' The reply comes: 'Practise, practise, practise!' It's a good answer. There may be many more technical ways to describe a route from A to B but the fact remains that if you keep on doing something with commitment, this very process will get you somewhere. So, as Venus and Saturn become conjunct this weekend on the New Moon, which habits should you change, and what creative process should you really commit to? And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Aug 24 - Sep 23


A lot of what you do isn't glamourous. It's not the stuff the paparazzi wish to capture or magazines want to gossip about. It's the precise, behind-the-scenes work needed to keep the ship running. Sometimes it seems that people don't want to hear your thoughts and your contribution is taken for granted. Yet, this weekend, there's more glitz about you. You've always had a sparkling mind, but now others can see, and hear, what they should already know. Namely, that your value should be highly appreciated. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Mars squaring Uranus in your opposite sign and your ruler Venus's conjunction with Saturn this weekend, symbolise different things to different people. For you, they speak about a crisis of confidence; a challenging moment when it seems you are losing a power you want to hold on to. But don't worry, that's not the only meaning. With the New Moon, they also speak of the arrival of an incredible gift. Not some trinket, but a symbol of support from a kindly cosmos that wants you to know it has your future at heart. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Imagine if every lottery ticket was also entered into an 'austerity draw' with two sets of 'winning' numbers picked. As some lucky soul celebrated a dramatic windfall, someone else would be in despair. They've matched their unlucky numbers, and they're in for a big bill. This weekend, life might not offer a winning ticket, but it's not about to bring ruin either. It simply asks you to appreciate the value of a long-term commitment. Success, if you can do this, will be as life-changing as any lottery win. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Nov 23 - Dec 21


We live in a world of glorious abundance. There are, or there appears to be, endless resources. Ecologists warn us not to think this way. But there are still some things that we never run out of. Problems, fears and worry. Where's the limit to the amount of these we can have in our lives? If we wish, we can put that limitation in place. Or we end up with too much. As Venus and Saturn converge, be careful what emotional processes you begin. If something looks likely to go on for a very long time, make sure it's something good! And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Comfort zones. What's wrong with them? Why are we always encouraged to leave them? Surely the reason so many of us strive to achieve our ambitions, is just to relocate into a more comfortable area? So what's the harm in simply operating within the one you're used to? Well, there isn't any harm in it! It's just that, what we think is comfortable is merely what we're used to. And when we leave it behind we realise how uncomfortable we've been! You can finally break free of your luxurious bed of nails this weekend. And it's nearly Halloween. So what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)