Give mothers two hours to breastfeed, EU tells our firms

The British Chambers of Commerce warned the measures could cost the Government £2.5 billion

Every mother who returns to work full-time must be allowed ‘breastfeeding breaks’ of up to two hours each day, according to the latest  rules from Brussels.

Under proposals being considered by MEPs, mothers would also be given the right to work part-time for a year after having a baby, and be entitled to 20 weeks’ maternity leave on full pay.

The British Chambers of Commerce warned the measures could cost the Government £2.5billion, and ‘risk the position of women in the workplace’.

It warned taxes would have to rise to cover the extra costs, such as hiking VAT even higher to 20.5 per cent.

Under the proposals, buried in Europe’s Pregnant Workers’ Directive, with which Britain would be legally obliged to comply if passed:

  • Every mother who returns to work full-time must be allowed ‘breastfeeding breaks’ of two hours every day.

There is no cap on these breaks, which means they could continue for years if the woman decides to breastfeed beyond the traditional period.

  • No boss will be able to force a woman to do a night shift or overtime in the ten weeks before her baby is born or during the breastfeeding period.
  • Mothers will get full pay for the first 20 weeks of maternity leave. They currently get 90 per cent of their salary for six weeks, followed by £128.73 a week for the next 33 weeks.
  • It will also be compulsory to have at least six weeks off after giving birth, compared with two at the moment.
  • Fathers would see paternity pay increased to two weeks’ on full pay. At present, they receive £128.73 a week for a fortnight. 

Phil McCabe, from the Forum of Private Business, said: ‘Why bother working part-time, when you could get a full-time salary but hardly need to be at work because you’re always breastfeeding?’

British mothers returning to work can currently ask to work flexibly but a boss has the right to refuse if there is a clear business reason why it is not possible.

Mr McCabe added: ‘Business do want to accommodate mothers but such extreme measures would make it increasingly difficult for small firms. They are mad.

‘There is a risk it would put off some business owners from employing women of child-bearing age.’

Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of a baby's life

The British Chambers of Commerce said the pay proposals alone could cost taxpayers £2.5billion. While statutory maternity pay is paid by bosses, they can claim the cost from the Government.

Katja Hall, chief policy director at the CBI, said: ‘The UK already has high quality maternity and flexible working arrangements.

'Raising maternity pay will mean damaging tax rises.’

Official figures show about 2.2million mothers with babies as young as six months are working full-time, compared with 1.7million in 1997.

Employment relations minister Edward Davey said: ‘What MEPs have proposed is simply not the right solution. At a time when all European countries are having to tighten their belts this would be a considerable burden.

‘Breastfeeding is very important but it should be down to the individual countries to adopt their own model, not for Europe to dictate this.’

Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of a baby’s life. It is already possible for many women to return to work but continue to breastfeed under recommendations that bosses provide a private place for women to express and store breast milk.


Mothers are defying official guidelines by feeding solid food to their babies before they turn six months because they are hungry.

Three-quarters give their babies solid food at 17 to 24 weeks – with half admitting they are confused by guidelines on when to start weaning, a poll found.

Experts are calling for a U-turn on advice by the Department of Health to breastfeed for at least the first six months.

Some believe this may increase the risk of  allergies and iron deficiency, and deter babies from learning to like healthier foods with bitter tastes, thus fuelling the rise in obesity.

A third of mothers started weaning their child at 17 to 20 weeks and 42 per cent between 21 and 24 weeks, the poll commissioned by Plum organic baby food found.

Dr Pauline Emmett, an expert on weaning, said: ‘One size does not fit all.’