
A recusa do trabalho - Comitato Operaio di Porto Marghera

Texto clássico da autonomia operária italiana, publicado em 1970. Mostra como as máquinas, tecnologia, automação e informática são introduzidas no processo de produção pelos capitalistas não para reduzir a labuta, mas para impor sempre mais trabalho, tanto mediante desemprego, quanto mediante modificações dos métodos de trabalho, aumentando assim o poder da classe capitalista sobre os proletários. Também é analisado na história a relação entre a lutas dos trabalhadores e as mudanças dos métodos de produção (taylorismo, fordismo etc).

Ovambo migrant workers general strike for rights, Namibia: 1971-72

In the winter of 1971-72 the economy of South West Africa (Namibia) was shutdown by a general strike of contract labourers challenged the economic system emplaced by Apartheid South Africa. The strike led to the scrapping of the contract system and is seen as a watershed moment, encouraging a rapid growth of opposition movements.

Brexit means… what? Hapless ideology and practical consequences

A number of left groups and individuals campaigned for the UK to leave the European Union. Aufheben argue that the Brexit campaign, and the referendum itself, its results and its implementation, have been one with a victory of the ruling class against us. The implementation of Brexit will negatively affect solidarity among workers and radical protesters, setting back our strength and potentials to overturn capitalism. Many people in the radical left were blinded by the ideological forms of our capitalist relations, the reification of our human interactions, to the point of accepting a victory of the far right with acquiescence, or even collaborating with it.

Self-organisation is the first act of the revolution; it then becomes an obstacle which the revolution has to overcome

Roland Simon of Théorie Communiste looks at revolution as communisation, through the lense of some recent struggles.

The Luddites: machine-breaking in regency England

Cartoon depicting the fictional Luddite leader Ned Ludd

A historical overview and analysis of the Luddite movement 1811-1816 which swept parts of the UK as workers smashed machines to defend their jobs, pay and conditions.

A new world in our hearts: the faces of Spanish anarchism

CNT members in Valencia, 1978

Book published in 1978 by Cienfuegos Press, edited by Albert Meltzer, giving an overview of the anarchist movement in Spain following the death of dictator General Franco.

Antifascism: Instrument Of Capitalism

Here is a very draft translation from Spanish of text published in the second issue of the review "Ellos No Pueden Parar La Revuelta". If somebody could help me in proofreading, (s)he would be welcomed.

La du Oktobroj: Petro Arĉinof

Eseo sur la temo de la Oktobro Rusa Revolucio, kaj la kontraŭrevolucian rolon de la bolŝevisto partio.

Olympism and fascism

Excerpt from the book “The Olympic Deceit of The ‘Divine Baron’ – Pierre de Coubertin” by Ljubodrag Simonović