Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Merkel's ugly old right-liberalism

Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, has announced that she is standing again for election, despite the unpopularity of her open borders policy. Merkel is the leader of the CDU, a party similar to the Liberal Party here in Australia. It is a "centre-right" party, meaning it is a party of right-liberals.

At Gates of Vienna, there is a video of Angela Merkel being interviewed about her strategy. She is asked by the reporter whether she is going to change course politically and move rightwards to neutralise the opposition there, or seek refuge in the social democratic left. Merkel answers:
No. I am seeking a solution where the CDU has always firmly stood. That is the social market economy, the liberal-democratic state of laws.

So her first response to the great issues facing Germany is that the solution lies with the market. The market rules. The second response is that the laws of the liberal state will be upheld.

These answers might seem strange but they aren't surprising for a right-liberal. All liberals believe that what matters is the individual pursuing their own self-defined aims and identities. Left-liberals focus on the idea that the state can intervene in society to ensure that predetermined qualities are made not to matter so that everyone is equally free to pursue self-defined aims. Right-liberals focus more on Economic Man, on the ideal of individuals being self-made in the market. That's why our own PM, Malcolm Turnbull, said in his acceptance speech that:
This will be a thoroughly Liberal Government. It will be a thoroughly Liberal Government committed to freedom, the individual and the market.

That is what seemed important to a right-liberal politician.

The problem, of course, is that this type of politics turns a nation of people with a real, historic connection to one another into a collection of atomised individuals inhabiting the same market place. Angela Merkel goes on to say in the interview:
There will be no returning to the times before digitization, before globalization. But we must give people the impression — not just the impression, but solve issues — so that they have stability...City and countryside, the elderly and young people, those who have recently arrived and those who have been living longer with us, questions of freedom of religion, of security, internal security...It is about answering these questions.

Look at what she has done. With a turn of phrase she has obliterated the existence of the German people. The Germans have been reduced to the status of "those who have been living longer with us". The facts of history, kinship, religion and culture are swept aside.

She is being intellectually honest in putting things this way, because it fits in with the political assumptions of right-liberals. She would be lying if she claimed to see people as being embodied within a distinct tradition and identity; in her view, there are no such people, only individuals inhabiting the liberal state and fulfilling themselves as actors within the market.

It makes for grim reading, I know. But a couple of things to help you stay positive. First, right-wing liberalism does seem to be changing, though it's difficult to say yet to what extent. As liberalism itself veers into ever more suicidal territory, there does seem to be something of a rethink happening on the liberal right. Stay posted for updates on this.

Second, the AfD (a patriotic German party) is still doing well in the polls and might make further inroads in Germany's next election. In a recent survey in the German state of Saxony, the AfD had the support of 25% of the population and was the most popular party amongst those aged 35 to 49 (31% support).

We have to keep doing what we can to push back and to break the liberal monopoly on politics.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

New German identitarian video

A reader alerted me to a new German identitarian video.

Monday, September 19, 2016

More gains for the AfD

More good news from Germany. The Alternative for Germany party has made a breakthrough in Berlin, gaining 13% of the vote. That's a terrific result in what is one of the most left leaning parts of the country.

Angela Merkel's CDU slumped to only 19% of the vote and is likely to be dumped from Berlin's coalition government:
A year before a national election, the result is set to raise pressure on Merkel and deepen rifts in her conservative camp, with more sniping expected from her CSU allies in Bavaria.

The CSU's Bavarian finance minister Markus Soeder was quick to call it the "second massive wake-up call" in two weeks.

"A long-term and massive loss in trust among traditional voters threatens the conservative bloc," he told the Bild daily, adding Merkel's right-left national coalition had to win back support by changing course on its immigration policy.

Why would traditional voters continue to support Merkel's CDU when she is committed to open borders and globalisation? How can traditional Germany survive such a policy?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Well done German identitiarians!

German identitiarians have created another iconic moment in the struggle against open borders in Europe. Fifteen members of the group scaled the famous Brandenburg Gate landmark in Berlin and unveiled a banner reading "Secure borders - secure future".

From Breitbart:
According to their Facebook page the Identitarians say that the protest was to make the average German aware that Merkel and her government were clearly breaking German laws and that the migration crisis policies were an utter failure. The group spoke of the many migrants the German government was forced to admit they had no idea where they were and highlighted the recent terror attacks in Bavaria saying that the policies of a “multicultural utopia” were leading to a rapidly fragmented society.

And the reaction of the authorities? They are ramping up their liberalism to an absurd degree:
Berlin Mayor Michael Muller described the Brandenburg Gate protest as a “disgusting” act carried out by enemies of democracy, according to Germany’s RBB 24.

“Berliners will not allow the Brandenburg Gate [to be] misused as a symbol of exclusion,” he added.

That's what it has come to. If you don't accept open borders you are guilty of "exclusion" and are therefore "disgusting" and an "enemy of democracy". The German authorities sound like members of a strange political cult.