

Aesthetic User Interface

Enhance your brand by with a highly functional and visually compelling Mobile 
App and boosting your bottom-line.

Ease Of Use

Your Mobile App appears on the user’s screen regardless of their smartphone or operating system.

Interactive Features

Schedule appointments, press a button to call or create a mobile store right in the palm of your users hand.

iphone Slider
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  • App Slide

Full QR Code Support

Use your custom QR code to market your mobile app so users can get to your information fast.

Easy To Update

Update your app in real-time and instantly whenever you need to with no approvals needed.

Expandability Supported

Add new content, entirely new sections or enhancements at anytime without redesigning your app.

Our Team

The creative PR veteran behind the JoTo PR Agency is Karla Jo Helms. Her experience ranges from handling some of the nastiest crisis-management PR slander and libel suits to developing strategic communications plans that can take a virtually unknown company and give it rock star status within its industry.
Karla Jo HelmsCEO

Karla Jo Helms


Karla Jo is the JoTo CEO and is the visionary behind JoTo PR. Helms’ is astute in recognizing patterns in the industry, codifying and utilizing these patterns to create PR campaigns steeped in proven traditional and new media methods… for one and one purpose only: to increase the market reach of our clients year after year.

As the Senior PR Strategist, Karla Jo oversees all JoTo PR campaigns to ensure they follow their tailored strategic communications plans. Courageous and tenacious, KJ is dedicated to taking her clients, and JoTo, to the next level… all the time.

The ingenuity of JoTo’s business processes are equitable to all PR strategies we create, so that our clients (and employees) realize their business goals and dreams.

Why You Need A Mobile App

A JoTo PR Mobile App is streamlined to give users a more precise viewing experience that is formatted for their mobile device. It has more interaction that can be controlled and customized such as contact forms, direct email process and the ability to immediately click a button to place a call. A website, even optimized for the mobile screen, will not have these superior functions to allow the user immediate access.

Use The Internet To Locate Information - 93%
Use Mobile Apps - 87%

Always Have Their Smartphone With Them - 76%
Purchase Products Or Services On Their Smartphone - 70%

Age Between 18-49
Use Smartphones

Get In Touch With Us

If you would like more information about what we can do for your business, simply fill out the contact form below and we will be happy to answer your questions!


By Mail

411 Cleveland Street, Suite 204
Clearwater, FL 33755

At Location

34 North Garden Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33755
Phone: (888) 202-4614