Your GP may soon know more about you

Dr Rob Grenfell says the medical systems of the future will respond to the  requirements of the patient.
Dr Rob Grenfell says the medical systems of the future will respond to the requirements of the patient. Jeremy Piper
by James Sherbon

The GP consultation of the future will be a very different type of meeting, thanks to much greater data availability and wearable technology, says a senior CSIRO executive.

Dr Rob Grenfell is the recently appointed director of Health and Biosecurity at the CSIRO with a respected healthcare background in the private sector at BUPA, and crucial work including the National Aboriginal Health unit at the National Heart Foundation – and, as usefully, as a general practitioner.

"This is actually where the riches of data will be available to help. I like to reflect on where we are going. What do we actually want to look at?"

Speaking at the recent Innovation in Healthcare roundtable co-hosted by The Australian Financial Review and Philips, Grenfell says the patient of the future will be rated by a whole range of things that are actually occurring – whether implantable or wearable or at a distance – and are actually valid health indices.

You could be encouraged when you are going shopping for your food, or making your meal plans.  Your workplace in fact could be more health giving than it is health taking and your recreation will be high quality in the sense it focuses more on you and what you are doing daily.

"When you do visit the doctor, the GP has already got this ongoing information. And that's essentially where the new medical practitioner will be. We will see a lot of changes in that job sector that is not going to be comfortable, but we are actually going to see the systems responding to me, the patient. And our health will be all the better for it."

Grenfell says many of these information tools are already here now in our health system. "For instance with our drug data sets, we already know who's getting their scripts filled and how frequently they're getting their scripts filled.  So if you're on a medication where the script gives you every 30 days and you're getting it every 40, well you're clearly not taking your pills right.  But then who gets that information?  No one at this stage.

 "If your GP, as your trusted health confidant was actually getting this as well then next time they see you they say, 'Look, there's an issue with you not taking your pills on a regular basis, you understand why you're on those?  You understand what we're trying to prevent here?' This again is sort of the consumer face to what big data could in fact actually do if analysed and executed properly in the healthcare system."

Grenfell uses the common example of Australia's greatest killer – heart disease.

"We've got enough data now to analyse someone who's had a heart attack.  We know how much their recovery's going to cost; how much it's going to cost for the rest of their life to do our best to prevent them having another event. 

"Maybe with chronic disease, or chronic disease recovery, we should be looking at packages of care and how to apportion which bits and pieces you need to do.  Behind that you need to have a research base.  You need to actually have the evidence of what actually really needs to be done and how we engage the patient, their family and everyone else in the focus of their wellbeing. 

"Sometimes it's very difficult if we look at the wellness perspective.  If you haven't had a heart attack or you haven't got cancer, you haven't got a lot of drivers saying I need to change my ways.

"'Hey I'm all right, you know.  I might have a bit too much to eat on a Friday night but the rest of the week I do all right.  Might drink a bit too much on the weekend, but the rest of the week I have alcohol-free days and hey I gave up smoking 10 years ago, you know.  I'm doing all right.  You know, look at me.  I've got a bit around my waist but, ah so what'.

"So what's the driver for me to actually engage with the healthcare system?  That is going to be one of our big challenges – how we do that from a population perspective where we know that 70 per cent of Australian men over 45 are either overweight or obese.  That's a disaster.  Most of us are kidding ourselves about where we are but we're not doing anything about it." 

Grenfell insists it's about how health professionals and technologies can communicate their message to us, "how can I get you to actually change the way that you approach and engage in a health 'promoting' system rather than an illness management system".

"That's a challenge to face.  But I do have the view that with data analytics and also research and science that we actually still can engage people in a very proactive way."

Grenfell says the next major nut that has not been cracked is this idea of getting people to take responsibility from a personal level in response to all the new information provided to them.