Dreamworld accident: How to avoid a PR disaster

Police re-enact ride tragedy

Dreamworld's crisis manager Newgate Communications admits there was robust discussions with the chairman and the board over their response to last week's fatal accident.

Dreamworld owner Ardent Leisure's share price plummeted 22 per cent on Wednesday, the day after the accident at the Gold Coast theme park that caused the death of four visitors and has left the future of the park in doubt.

Board and management are widely considered to have mishandled the response.

Weekend reports claimed there was a confrontation between Newgate partner Miche Paterson and the board, led by chairman Neil Balnaves, which made a series of decisions contrary to the firm's advice. Insiders said the board, fearing legal liability, took a legalistic approach and rejected the advice of Newgate, which specialises in dealing with crises.

Ardent Leisure chairman Neil Balnaves and CEO Deborah Thomas are widely thought to have mishandled the response to the ...
Ardent Leisure chairman Neil Balnaves and CEO Deborah Thomas are widely thought to have mishandled the response to the Dreamworld accident. Christopher Pearce

"It was an incredibly intense first 48 hours where we were responding pretty much on live TV to this horrible and tragic incident in which four people lost their lives," Ms Paterson told The Australian Financial Review in her first public comments over the alleged dispute. "The fact it was being fairly robustly debated at board level is not at all surprising."

Ms Paterson declined to expand on her advice to the board but another source said outgoing chairman Mr Balnaves had "been at the company a very long time" and "had very strong views" about the crisis response that badly backfired.

Five big mistakes

Crisis managers said Dreamworld made five key mistakes in the first 48 hours after the crisis. Putting forward Dreamworld chief executive Craig Davidson as the spokesperson, rather than company chief executive Deborah Thomas, in the first critical days after the incident demonstrated that management failed to appreciate the seriousness of the situation.

In contrast, BHP Billiton chief executive Andrew Mackenzie was commended after last year's Samarco disaster for immediately fronting the media, apologising to the families affected and flying straight to the scene of the disaster in Brazil. He later gave up his $US4 million bonus over the incident.

As catalogued by The Australian Financial Review's Chanticleer column on Friday, Ardent's other major mistakes included pushing ahead with the company AGM when a vote on an $860,000 bonus for Ms Thomas could have been deferred.

"If they were forced by ASIC to have the AGM, they should have had it on the Gold Coast and it should have been perfunctory, Neil [Balnaves] could have said we won't deal with resolution five to nine," board adviser Ian Kortlang said. "But now the story for the media is how they mishandled things."

Backdowns & backflips

Mr Balnaves tried to defend Ms Thomas' bonus on technical grounds before eventually relenting under public pressure.

How the Dreamworld accident unfolded.
How the Dreamworld accident unfolded.

"Donating that money only after media outcry about it just feeds into the fact they seem to be responding to the media rather than the tragedy," said Dee Madigan, creative director and owner of Campaign Edge. "I've been on boards where there is a set of procedures you go through when something goes wrong and you practice it to make sure it's workable. That just doesn't seem to have happened here."

The decision to reopen Dreamworld for a memorial service last Friday was made too soon and the company was forced into another embarrassing backdown after police advised the park was still a crime scene. The company's media conference then derailed after Ms Thomas was caught out over questions on why the company had not contacted the families of the victims. Finally, questions remain over Mr Balnaves retirement as chairman, when the company is in the midst of the crisis.

At the weekend, Ardent began to turn things around. It held a memorial service on Saturday morning, indefinitely delayed plans to reopen Dreamworld, refunded customers and called in retired police officer Mike Mckay to begin a "healing process".

On Monday, Dreamworld's Mr Davidson announced an independent audit and workplace safety review.

CEO Deborah Thomas speaks to the media at the Ardent Leisure AGM.
CEO Deborah Thomas speaks to the media at the Ardent Leisure AGM. Christopher Pearce

War room drills

The Dreamworld accident comes on the back of a series of corporate crises, including the arrest of Crown Resort's executives, Samsung's flame-throwing phones and BHP Billiton's Samarco dam disaster.

Companies are increasingly sending their executives and directors on training days to experience war games and real-time fire drills to prepare for a company crisis.

A recent Deloitte Crisis of Confidence report, which surveyed 300 board directors globally, found only half had playbooks for likely crisis scenarios and only a third had engaged in crisis simulation or training.

Miche Paterson, Partner Newgate Australia
Miche Paterson, Partner Newgate Australia Robert Gray

Former Transurban spokesperson Jean Kerr-Walsh was involved in the aftermath of Victoria's Burnley tunnel pile-up and fire in 2007 that killed three people. She said the preparation in the years before a crisis was critical.

"It serves any company dealing with the public in large numbers to think about the possibility of such things happening and planning for them well before," she said.

"On that Friday morning, when the road manager came and said we've got an incident, there is a fire in the [Burnley] tunnel, we all knew immediately what to do.

"Transurban had planned for such an incident not knowing when and if it might happen."

BHP's crisis unit

BHP chief public affairs officer Tony Cudmore told the AFR Business Summit this year that the miner had a "very well-established crisis management plan" when the Samarco dam disaster hit last year and a mudslide wiped out an entire village and killed 19 people.

"This occurred the afternoon of November 5 in Brazil, so Friday morning Australian time," Mr Cudmore said. "Very early Friday morning, we had a very senior team in the office at BHP Billiton sitting around the board table looking at ... all the factors that would go into forming a response to this tragedy, both in terms of understanding the human dimension, the environmental dimension, getting the facts on the ground in real time".

"It was very much decided on day one we would take a very open approach ... we would not seek to hide behind a joint-venture arrangement in terms of the stakeholder exposure, which is why we were out early in terms of the CEO's involvement, the team on the ground, the establishment of the whole communications infrastructure, including Portuguese capability.

The Samarco disaster left several Brazilian towns in ruins.
The Samarco disaster left several Brazilian towns in ruins. AP

"Our CEO Andrew Mackenzie gave a press conference in the hours after the event. As soon as possible, Andrew was on a plane to Brazil to view the site itself."