Facebook invades the workplace

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is taking the platform to the workplace on Tuesday.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is taking the platform to the workplace on Tuesday. MANU FERNANDEZ

After taking over our private lives, Facebook is now invading businesses in an attempt to counter enterprise social media platforms such as Microsoft's Yammer, Slack and Salesforce's Chatter.

The global media giant has tested the new platform being launched globally on Tuesday – called Workplace – on major companies including the NBN, Bluescope Steel and Fairfax Media.

Facebook said more than 1000 companies had signed up for the pilot program, including Danone, Starbucks and Booking.com, international non-profits such as Oxfam and regional leaders such as YES Bank in India and the Government Technology Agency of Singapore. Facebook will charge companies a monthly fee per active user.

Do we need it?

One Fairfax employee recently posted a picture of George Orwell, the author of 1984, a book published in 1949 about ...
One Fairfax employee recently posted a picture of George Orwell, the author of 1984, a book published in 1949 about citizens under constant surveillance by Big Brother. Still from the movie 1984. act\natasha.rudra

Facebook made a global profit of $US6.19 billion ($8.15 billion) last year based on advertising revenue, and it boasts active monthly users of 1.71 billion. But Workplace has received mixed reviews in the media as experts question if employees will find it creepy and whether it has the potential to disrupt, rather than augment, productivity. Workers already find the number of channels of information they have to monitor overwhelming and many businesses struggle to get staff to engage in internal communication platforms.

Facebook says the new platform will remain separate to an individual's personal Facebook. Even so, one Fairfax employee recently posted a picture of George Orwell, the author of 1984, a book published in 1949 about citizens under constant surveillance by Big Brother.

Workplace (formerly known as Facebook at Work) has the same look as personal Facebook and includes the same infrastructure including news feeds, group sharing, live chats and features including Live videos and emoji Reactions. Facebook hopes the familiarity will help it knock out its competitors in the workplace communication market.

Workplace-only features including a dashboard with analytics, identity providers to allow companies to more easily integrate with their existing IT systems and multi-company groups to allow employees from different companies to work together.

Engaging frontline staff


BlueScope Steel has run the pilot for three months with an 84 per cent employee take-up.

Bluescope corporate affairs manager Michael Reay said: "We had feedback from our employees that they didn't feel as connected to the workplace as they did in their own life. For plant operators and those on the shop floor, it has been just impossible to reach those people, we have 1500 plant operators who don't have a computer but they all have a mobile phone," Mr Reay said.

"It shows there is an appetite for this internally and that intuitive, familiar nature of Facebook that people are aware and comfortable with in their personal life has translated nicely into the workplace."

NBN's corporate affairs manager, Karina Keisler, said when CEO Bill Morrow pinged a question out on the platform about a technology decision to his staff, "the response he got was overwhelming and from people he couldn't have named or tell you where they sit in the organisation, so people he would not naturally go to".

Getty Images

Head of APAC, Workplace at Facebook Ramesh Gopalkrishna said the platform will help companies reach frontline staff.

"If you take the example of Countdown the retailer in New Zealand, they have 18,000 employees but 15,000 of those don't have access to a PC or email ID, checkout clerks, store and logistic workers," he said. "They recently had an avocado shortage and people in the stores could flip out their phones and start reaching people in headquarters, their comms team, supply and logistics. 'Hi guys, this is the situation we need help'. So we are now equipping people on the front line," Mr Gopalkrishna told The Australian Financial Review.

The new office newsletter

There will be two separate mobile apps, Workplace and Work Chat, group calling, video calling and multi-company groups.


Employee profiles will include a photo and relevant information including a person's position and department. You won't have to friend your boss, or co-worker, but can follow them.

The news feed can be adjusted to the user's preference and users can add and share comments, photographs, videos and information about the company and its employees.

Groups fall into three categories: open, closed, or secret. Open groups are similar to a mass email – they can disseminate company-wide news or updates aiming to replace the company newsletter and many are introducing regular chats or videos from their CEO. Closed groups can be used to keep track of specific projects.

Fairfax said that the platform would become the primary way the company delivers internal announcements, and the rule is: "don't put anything on the platform that you wouldn't want your boss to see".

Facebook will charge $US3 per active user for their first 1000 users, $US2 per active user up to 10,000 users and $US1 for more than 10,000 monthly users.