Sandwich bag saves baby born three months early

Baby Emily was just 560 grams when she was born.
Baby Emily was just 560 grams when she was born. Photo: Rhiannon Shades

A sandwich bag has saved a UK baby girl's life after she was born three months early. 

Twenty-nine-year-old Rhiannon Shades was terrified when she went into labour at 24 weeks pregnant.

After her baby, Emily, was born naturally still in her amniotic sac she placed into a sandwich bag to keep her warm and safe.

"She was placed into a tiny plastic bag to keep her warm as her skin was so thin she couldn't stabilise her own temperature", Shades told Express.

Emily was allowed to go home after spending three and a half months in neo-natal care.
Emily was allowed to go home after spending three and a half months in neo-natal care. Photo: Rhiannon Shades

Emily was just 560 grams when she was born.

"I couldn't even comprehend how small she was, it wasn't until she was placed in my arms that I realised the seriousness of the situation," Shades said. 

"She was such a little fighter and even tried to breathe on her own as soon as she was born."

Emily was so tiny that a small teddy bear bought for her by her big sister Alexandra was barely the same size as her. 

But after three and a half months in neonatal care, Emily has been allowed to go home weighing 2.5kg - one day before her due date. 

Emily's parents started a blog to help other parents in a similar situation. 

"Giving birth to Emily was so surreal, I had no idea how she would look at just 24 weeks or if she'd survive.

"Emily has done amazingly well and we are so proud of her", Shades said.

After settling into home life Shades updated her blog to let everyone know how Emily been doing.

"We were supported by Bliss - a charity that supports those who have premature babies - throughout and their help was fantastic."

 - Stuff