No jail for mum who refused baby formula

The mother ignored medical advice to top up her breastfeeding with formula because she was worried that chemicals in it ...
The mother ignored medical advice to top up her breastfeeding with formula because she was worried that chemicals in it would cause her baby harm. 

A Brisbane mother who endangered her malnourished baby's life by only breastfeeding him, refusing to use "harmful" formula, has avoided jail time.

The woman, who cannot be named because it would identify her child, was on Monday sentenced in the Brisbane District Court to 18 months jail with immediate parole after pleading guilty to cruelty.

The court heard the mother-of-four ignored medical advice to top up her breastfeeding with formula because she was worried that chemicals in it would cause him harm.

By the time the five-month-old boy came to the attention of authorities, he only weighted 3.7kg - almost half of what he should have been - and was severely malnourished.

The boy was so gaunt and emaciated his rib cage and shoulder bones were visible through the skin, his growth was stunted and he was suffering from muscle and tissue wastage.

"This child could have died," Judge David Kent said.

"Baby formula is not harmful, it is required for babies that are not thriving on breastfeeding."

The court heard the woman thought she would be a bad mother if she had to rely on formula and her judgment was impaired because she was suffering from post- natal depression at the time.

"She wanted to ask for help but couldn't," her defence lawyer said.

The boy's father was also sentenced to 12 months jail with immediate parole after he did nothing to ensure his son was the correct weight.

The father told the court he worked six days a week to support his family financially and rarely saw the baby because he was asleep when he got home.

"Perhaps my work does drive me away from home but that's what happens when you have to support everybody," he said.

The boy has made a full recovery and is back living with his parents.