Toys R Us to stop marketing its toys by gender in wake of sexism claims


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The Independent Online

Toys R Us today bowed to anti-sexist marketing demands and pledged to drop gender labelling for its products.

The retailer declared that it would be more “inclusive” when marketing toys for girls and boys, and said it would draw up plans in the long term to remove “explicit references” to gender in its store .

The move followed pressure from Let Toys Be Toys, a consumer group representing thousands of shoppers that campaigns for the sale of toys not aimed specifically at girls or boys.

Toys R Us managing director, Roger McLaughlan, said: “We will work to ensure we develop the best plan for our customers.”

Megan Perryman, Let Toys Be Toys campaigner, said: “Even in 2013, boys and girls are still growing up being told that certain toys are for them, while others are not. This is not only confusing but extremely limiting as it strongly shapes their ideas about who they are and who they can go on to become.”
