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  1. Tweet épinglé

    “To destroy a people you must first sever their roots.” — Alexander Solzhenitzyn

  2. "Far-Rightist: a man who has decided he won’t play nice with baby-murderers." — E.H. Looney

  3. A bit late on this but, what a lovely costume!

  4. Another piece of anecdote (there are dozens) on great men treating their barbers with outmost respect and honor. Here, Rossini.

  5. Opera used to be important! That scoundrel Marmontel like most of the Encyclopédistes & other progs would have been at home in modern media!

  6. Q: "Now that LEGO has proved themselves leftard progs, what are some products to replace them with?" A: "Have you tried playing outdoors?"

  7. "..with 2016 drawing to an end, we must've seen the last of many inconceivable events that marked this tumultuous..." And then:

  8. "That's the most impressive example of contemporary Mayan architecture I've ever seen." (from Stepen Greenblatt, Resonance and Wonder, 1990)

  9. Ordinary ppl. are conservative. Mass Media wants to portray us as a minority, but even this blows up hilariously as this Portuguese example.

  10. “Do we want to kill the very soul of Brazil? Then let us tear out its Faith.” — Father J.A. de Silva, 1939

  11. Historically, much of the motivation for public schooling has been to stifle variety and institute social control - Jack Hugh

  12. Euro Prog friend "Invasive species are wreaking havoc on European bee populations!" Me "Yes. Bees. And other species. Tell me more please?"

  13. As Progressives keep purging members of their intellectual heritage for thought crimes they will end up with celebs "de-jour" like Dunham.

  14. "That is why I can’t in any way approve of those meddlesome and restless characters who are forever thinking up some new reform.” —Descartes

  15. C.S. Lewis on Eros. Love really is reactionary.

  16. “To the strong there is no such thing as free will; for free will implies an alternative, and the strong man has no alternative." — Ludovici

  17. Peter Hitchens on the menace of globalism, via .

  18. “Since Napoleonic times liberalism has captured the minds of our educated classes." — Oswald Spengler

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