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Decent public services for all - Policies and Manifesto
Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall is committed to a just and fair society. We believe effective public intervention is needed to combat poverty, tackle social deprivation and fight for the disadvantaged, and to tackle ills in Cornish society, such as social deprivation, unemployment, low wages and poor housing.

We will strive to build strong inclusive communities with free and equal access to well-funded education, healthcare, social care and welfare services.

Mebyon Kernow supports a universal health service for the people of Cornwall which supplies the best possible healthcare free at the point of use. We deplore the policy of the present and recent governments to turn the provision of a basic human right into an exercise in business management.

MK is also committed to the provision, by the state, of a just, proper and high quality education – at all levels – for all as of right. We support moves to end tuition fees for university students, through a progressive shift in taxation.

As a party, we have long maintained that important services such as energy, water and rail should be publicly owned and publicly accountable, based on community, social need and environmental protection rather than a private system based on profit.

Mebyon Kernow has been an out-spoken opponent of the savage cuts of the Coalition and its associated privatisation agenda, the damaging impact of which cannot be over-stated.

MK will continue to oppose the cuts of the London-based political parties and the privatisation of the National Health Service and other public services, which are desperately needed to support the young, the elderly, the sick, the less well-off and those in search of work.