Lemur Logic

Hello, my name is Niall Curry and I'm a website design hobbyist from Cornwall.
I've been building website since I was a teenager, starting with basic online website editors and eventually moving on to work with professional grade software such as Adobe Dreamweaver.

I specialise in building websites that make extensive use of the server-side scripting language PHP to create advanced and user-friendly features such as Forums, Blogs, News Feeds and bespoke Online Website Editors.

Most of what I know about building websites has been self-taught so the code may not always be efficient, but I take pride in making sure my websites work correctly and look the same or as close as possible in the latest versions of all the major browsers (even in Internet Explorer) and that they take advantage of the latest coding techniques where appropriate. I also optimise the use of media to ensure that my websites look good while having as short a loading time as possible.

Anyway, enough about me. If you've made it this far down the page then hopefully you're still interested in the websites I've built already and what I can potentially do for you. Feel free to have a look at the websites below and if you feel that I would be the right person for the job, please click here to e-mail me and we can have a chat about your requirements.

My Portfolio
Get Out There Cornwall

Get Out There is a charity in Cornwall that gives young people with visual impairments and other disabilities the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities that they might otherwise have difficulty accessing. The website features a custom-built Content Management System as well as a photo gallery. It is also uses 100% valid code (you'd be surprised by how many websites don't) and is compatible with accessibility aids such as screen readers. The website uses a fluid layout, which means that the website will automatically change its layout to fit your browser window, whether that is a standard monitor, a Tablet PC or even a mobile phone.

Mebyon Kernow - The Party for Cornwall

Mebyon Kernow is a left-of-centre political party in Cornwall which is leading the campaign for a Cornish Assembly. This is the first website I built that features a Content Management System as well as other advanced PHP based features and has evolved over the course of several years. It is also the first site where I made extensive use of CSS3 techniques. Other features include a News and Blogging system, RSS Feeds, scrolling information and images on the homepage that can be updated online, a custom-built forum and many more. The website uses a fluid layout, which means that the website will automatically change its layout to fit your browser window, whether that is a standard monitor, a Tablet PC or even a mobile phone.