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Bernard Salt is widely regarded as one of Australia’s leading social commentators by business, the media and the broader community. He is a high-profile Melbourne-based Partner with the global advisory firm KPMG, and he writes two weekly columns for The Australian that deal with social, generational and demographic matters.

Trump 2.0 is the real worry

Trump 2.0 is the real worry

Strip away compulsory voting in Australia and we would find Trump’s equivalent making a legitimate run for PM.

Hipster shift reshapes cafe index

Hipster shift reshapes cafe index

The nation’s highest rated cafes have moved, signalling a tectonic shift in modern urban culture.

Avocado with a grain of salt

Avocado with a grain of salt

Hello Australia. I feel as though we know each other a little better because of the Avogate outrage this week.

Blame it on the Baby Boomer

Blame it on the Baby Boomer

Climate change, Brexit, the high cost of real estate and the GFC... one generation is blame for all of them!

Rise and fall of world’s cities

Rise and fall of world’s cities

Beijing has recently added an average of 800,000 net new residents per year.

Evils of the hipster cafe

Evils of the hipster cafe

Is the domination of smashed avocado on the nation’s cafe menus stopping the young from buying property? Just asking.

Melbourne goes into a flip

Melbourne goes into a flip

The Victorian capital is doing what no other Australian city is doing: its growth direction is flipping | INTERACTIVE

Inclusion? Count me in

Inclusion? Count me in

Diversity is a marvellous idea. We should apply it more equally.

Inclusion? Count me in

Inclusion? Count me in

I feel sorry for sustainability. Here's a word and a concept that was all the go last decade, but has become passe.

analysisDo we live in worst of times?

Do we live in worst of times?

How does Australia compare with other nations at surviving disasters?

Losers, cougars and alpha males

Losers, cougars and alpha males

Nature has an uncanny way of tipping the romantic odds in favour of men or women according to their age.

Our success is on the waterfront

Our success is on the waterfront

Australia is a trading nation. We rely on our ports to deliver and to facilitate much of our wealth.

Bringing down the house

Bringing down the house

Home sizes are diminishing across the nation and we are better off for that.

Centre for Fashionable Thinking

Centre for Fashionable Thinking

What could be more brazen than insisting that government spend more on a popular cause?

Shanghaied … the Fortune 500

Shanghaied … the Fortune 500

You kinda know that the biggest company on earth by market revenue is going to be based in the US.

Racist? We’re anything but

Racist? We’re anything but

How can anyone say that Australia is a racist nation when migrants form such a high proportion of our communities?

Move over Kiwis: here’s China

Move over Kiwis: here’s China

New Zealand delivers more visitors to Australia than China but the Chinese middle class is on its way.

Bring back primitive parenting

Bring back primitive parenting

Parents in the old days slapped their children. That is not a misprint. And they did so with neither shame nor remorse.

Boomers refusing to retire

Boomers refusing to retire

The baby boomer generation was always going to reimagine the retirement years, and now we have proof.

Everyday Olympians

Everyday Olympians

Don’t be too awed by the achievements of sport stars. Most ordinary accomplishments are equally impressive.

Chinese growth outward bound

Chinese growth outward bound

This is a China story — another China story — but from the perspective of corporate power.

Good cop, bad rap

Good cop, bad rap

Unlike the United States, superpowers have not always been benevolent.

Have we taken leave of our census?

Have we taken leave of our census?

Are we so fragile that our inability to access a census website causes this level of national angst?

No place like home

No place like home

Homes have changed a lot since I was a kid. For one, the backyard shed has become a drawer of tools in the kitchen.

Politics just a numbers game

Politics just a numbers game

There comes a point when middle-aged men and women in business think: ‘I reckon I’d make a good prime minister.’

The spirit of Clancy

The spirit of Clancy

The characters who epitomise Aussie spirit have changed remarkably over the years. Who is it these days?

Pluses and minuses of ageing

Pluses and minuses of ageing

The ageing process is the issue that will reshape Australian society most profoundly over the coming decade.

commentNeed to prevent continental drift

Need to prevent continental drift

Show hackers and doubters that we will not be dissuaded from telling the demographic truth of our nation in 2016.

Tony Abbott thrown to the dogs

Tony Abbott thrown to the dogs

Tony Abbott hasn’t murdered anyone. So why the vitriol?

China focus shows up in the mix

China focus shows up in the mix

There are 24 million people living in Australia, including about seven million who were born overseas.

Let’s get this party started

Let’s get this party started

You’ve gotta fight for your right to pay back your own debts.

Greed, boomers and original sin

Greed, boomers and original sin

The reason why you don’t have a house is because a greedy ogre has gobbled up all the housing and has left nothing.

A generation of heroes

A generation of heroes

Quit your bickering and step aside boomers, Xers and millennials. This generation makes you all look soft.

What it takes to become a CEO

What it takes to become a CEO

How does getting to the top in Australia compare with corporate life in the US and China?

Out of the ordinary

Out of the ordinary

Meet the diva — an alien life form with mysteriously excellent financial skills

Marginal pork is overdone

Marginal pork is overdone

It’s a bidding war with the residents of marginal electorates winning at the expense of those living in safer electorates.

View list of all authors for The Australian →


We’ll all win if PM cows unions

The power grab for volunteer firefighters goes to the heart of the federal election.

Paul Kelly

Disruption looms in anti-elitism

Feeling ripped off by corruption and afraid of terrorism and migrants, voters are going to extremes.

Greg Craven

Politics is turning into tennis

There are only two dogs in this fight — our first unashamedly imperial poll.

Don’t be fooled, focus on future

We need policies that prevent a downward spiral as the world’s economy evolves.


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