Last updated: November 9, 2016

Harry slams girlfriend’s ‘trolls’

Harry slams girlfriend’s ‘trolls’

Prince Harry issues unprecedented public statement attacking “social media trolls” for attacks on his girlfriend.

Rural vote helps Trump

Rural vote helps Trump

Donald Trump ran big margins in rural and blue-collar parts of the country as Hillary Clinton held on to urban areas.

Obamas plan Washington future

Obamas plan Washington future

Barack Obama’s decision to keep his family in Washington suggests he will be an active former ­commander-in-chief.

Insults a campaign mainstay

Insults a campaign mainstay

It began with a ride down a golden escalator in the marble atrium of a New York skyscraper.

The words nobody believed

The words nobody believed

Every single poll published in the past four months predicted a Clinton victory. But look now at the electoral map.

What the hell does this mean?

What the hell does this mean?

Economist Craig James seeks answers on how a Trump victory could turn into an opportunity.

It was the economy, stupid

It was the economy, stupid

The resounding message from this US election result was that people’s economic security trumps royalty and razzmatazz.

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