Last updated: October 31, 2016

Monday 31st October 2016

Legislate, not hesitate, on PPL

Legislate, not hesitate, on PPL

Just when Malcolm Turnbull tries to go on the offensive, he gets cut down to size by crossbenchers.

We should offer Duterte advisers

We should offer Duterte advisers

The Chinese appear to have left the contested shoal in the South China Sea, according to Philippine officials.

Tiny tax cut no one talks about

Tiny tax cut no one talks about

It was left to the Greens to highlight Labor’s hypocrisy on the modest relief.

Monday 31st October 2016

Mergers don’t always mean monopoly

Mergers don’t always mean monopoly

Tilting at windmills won’t help Rod Sims’s record as a pro-competition crusader.

Forefront of whale conservation

Forefront of whale conservation

Japan is Australia’s close friend and vital partner, but on whaling we disagree.

Open borders stoke xenophobia

Open borders stoke xenophobia

Supranational rule by the UN and others endangers Western values.

Saturday 29th October 2016

Slow and hard retaking of Mosul

Slow and hard retaking of Mosul

Fighting in Iraq enters its bitterest phase.

A transit camp to nowhere

A transit camp to nowhere

At camps for displaced Mosulis, the kids are learning how to play again.

Research failing on shark safety

Research failing on shark safety

We wouldn’t need expensive, unproven safety devices if there were simply fewer sharks off our beaches.

Pampered pollies off the leash

Pampered pollies off the leash

Joe Hockey told us the age of entitlement was dead. Then he charged us for his babysitter.

Sharp drop in houses unlikely

Sharp drop in houses unlikely

Government can cut immigration by half to ease pressure.

PM faces anti-coal cabal

PM faces anti-coal cabal

Leaks link US-based green plot to John Podesta.

Where’s the outrage?

Where’s the outrage?

ABC and its comrades routinely malign the island’s inhabitants.

Modern rights mean few for most

Modern rights mean few for most

Modern rights mean fewer rights for the majority who do not claim to be offended.

Guess who abhors men’s doco

Guess who abhors men’s doco

Feminists are trying to shut down a sister’s film that challenges their myths.

‘Separatism’ an irrational fear

‘Separatism’ an irrational fear

Keith Windschuttle builds his case on a misinterpretation of indigenous sovereignty.

Friday 28th October 2016

PM crippled by caution

PM crippled by caution

Will the PM please express an opinion? He offers little conviction on any issue, always ending up on the back foot.

Our kids deserve straight talk

Our kids deserve straight talk

Shading the truth because of a fear of causing offence is irresponsible and undermines a democratic society.

PM, Abbott must bury hatchet

PM, Abbott must bury hatchet

It has been a week of personal enmities to the fore and there can be no real winners.

For some, a job doesn’t pay

For some, a job doesn’t pay

Ten per cent of people on parenting benefits each received more than $45,000 in benefits in 2014-15.

More land won’t fix home crisis

More land won’t fix home crisis

Federal policy will give incentive funding to states that provide people places to live.

Right to josh would aid respect

Right to josh would aid respect

Scientologists and Mormons are subjected to mockery and caricature, yet no one dies as a result of it.

Pushing the envelope

Pushing the envelope

What would the Australian Human Rights Commission do if a Donald Trump-like character were to materialise here?

Thursday 27th October 2016

How would Trump go with 18C?

How would Trump go with 18C?

If he were an Australian politician it’s likely vast tracts of his speech would be unlawful. And that would be a tragedy.

Not a faultless divorce

Not a faultless divorce

The former solicitor-general Justin Gleeson should have known better.

Haul me through the courts

Haul me through the courts

To anyone wounded by my rudeness, feel free to make a complaint via the HRC.

Don’t blame prices on shortage

Don’t blame prices on shortage

Low interests, tax concessions lie behind housing unaffordability, but this could change.

Duterte puts security at risk

Duterte puts security at risk

A fracturing of US-Philippines relations will reverberate throughout our region.

Wednesday 26th October 2016

Triggs pattern of false statements

Triggs pattern of false statements

Human rights commissioner Gillian Triggs has written the negative job description for her successor.

Combine 18C revision with new law

Combine 18C revision with new law

It has become clear that preserving the section in its present form only encourages intolerance.

PM slips towards leader trigger

PM slips towards leader trigger

Its three Newspolls down, 27 to go, as Malcolm Turnbull ebbs towards the yardstick he used to topple Tony Abbott.

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