Friday, August 5, 2016

The Embrooks - Nightmare / Helen Vinyl single

After a 10-year hiatus The Embrooks are back, and sounding better than ever. Over the past decade music has changed, fads have come and gone, and “psychedelia” now means literally anything. The Embrooks pop-art stomp however sounds just as it always has, neither dated or of our era – and somehow they seem to sound more powerful and youthful too. Pop music the way it should be.

Vinyl single
Release Date: September 2016

The Embrooks- Nightmare
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Barry Eisenberg said...

Curt? You're back!

RYP said...

Curty Ray,
back with the Embrooks? You didn't lost your lovin' feeling...

Roadrunner said...

Thank you so much.


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