
DVD review: Bradley Cooper stars a bad-boy chef in Burnt

Burnt (M) 3.5 stars

Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) is a chef who had just about everything in Paris – two Michelin stars, professional respect, success – but blew it all in a mess of sex, booze, drugs, betrayals and other self-destructive behaviour. Now, after a self-imposed penance shucking 1 million oysters, he goes to London to try to re-establish his career and gain a third Michelin star without falling back to pieces in the process.

Burnt follows the comeback of chef Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper).
Burnt follows the comeback of chef Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper). Photo: act\ron.cerabona

Cooper is good as the bad-boy chef who manages to be likeably vulnerable, for the most part, even when he's engaging in sometimes cruel and manipulative behaviour – you can understand the stakes and the stress. It probably helps that many of the characters are also pretty nasty, including the food critic (Uma Thurman) he once had a fling with and the rival chef (Richard Rankin) who envies his talent. But there are sympathetic figures too, like the hotel owner's son played by Daniel Bruhl who gives Adam a chance for old time's sake and possibly for other reasons. The script might be a bit much occasionally and some actors, like Emma Thompson as the doctor, seem wasted in their parts but overall this goes down nicely.

The only extra is a good one, an interesting commentary by director John Wells and the chef who served as consultant on the film and designed the impressive-looking dishes we see cooked.

Ron Cerabona